Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

american economy

many american corporation are expanding overseas other than in america.this is because of the low purchasing power brought by deep recession happening in the US many of these companies build new plants overseas and hired many foreigners and thus contributing to the hike of american unemployment rate. well can't really blame them, it's much more enticing to expand overseas due to high purchasing power of India, china and indonesian market nowadays. These nation economy are growing and many corporation are salivating over it.


""There's a huge difference between what is good for American companies versus what is good for the American economy," says Scott."
- Where are the jobs? For many companies, overseas (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Senin, 27 Desember 2010

america in decline

life is getting harder in america now with many people getting unemployed.well I guess the obama's administration didn't bring any great progress whatsoever.but if the american wanted to attribute this recession that they're having now then they should just blamed it on George W.Bush's faults.he's the sole person that fucked up US economy back then.


"The piece continues with the sobering assessment that America’s actual unemployment rate isn’t really 10 percent, but close to 20 percent when we factor in the number of people who have stopped looking for work."
- AlterNet: America in Decline: Why Germans Think We're Insane (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

sudan referendum

this is bad though,even sudanese president didn't want to acknowledge the diversity in his country.he thinks islam is the only way of life and other religions shouldn't be accounted for.this brings nothing but suffering to many people in northen the southern sudan will likely to secede from the north.and we will have another north sudan and south sudan state just like north korean and south korea in this world.
the separation of state shouldn't be happening just because of religion,and they should know that islamic syariah only brings nothing but the rebellion of those that aren't in favor of it.
well then we should be glad that indonesia is a secular country.


""If south Sudan secedes, we will change the constitution and at that time there will be no time to speak of diversity of culture and ethnicity," Bashir told supporters at a rally in the eastern city of Gedaref."
- Omar al-Bashir: northern Sudan will adopt sharia law if country splits | World news | The Guardian (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

wikileaks in depth

Massive news organizations hunt for information and spend billions chasing stories. WikiLeaks puts up a website and people just dump news on them by the truck load. Must suck to be the media wikileaks is getting ahead of them and got more stories to tell.
and now the world is a tad more rational because of wikileaks publication pertaining US sensitive document materials being leaks.


"The true importance of Wikileaks -- and the key to understanding the motivations and behavior of its founder -- lies not in the contents of the latest document dump but in the technology that made it possible, which has already shown itself to be a potent weapon to undermine official lies and defend human rights."
- (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

solitary confinement

this is just one long reading material regarding human needs of social interaction and it's effect for lack thereof. erratic behaviour were found in those who don't get along well with people and were locked up in prison's solitary cells.this solitary cells did nothing but harm to the a person who deprived of social interaction then he would develop pyhschotic behaviour that had detrimental effect upon that person himself.there's need to be applied a more gentle approach when dealing with criminals other than solitary confinement.
but hell, if the person is a murderer then I guess locking him/her up in a solitary cell is for everyone's benefits

in reference to:

"We are social in a more elemental way: simply to exist as a normal human being requires interaction with other people."
- Is long-term solitary confinement torture? : The New Yorker (view on Google Sidewiki)

Jumat, 17 Desember 2010


there is a part in human brain that's called amygdala, its function is to instill fear in human so as to prevent them from any harm, but the dysfunctionality of this organ part in one's brain caused somewhat peculiar result.there is a woman who had her amygdala not functioning properly and thus made her fearless of any perilous events that came in contact with at least we know why some people are so fearful and some of them are's all located in their brain and amygdala played a bigger role in causing it.


"Instead, she held a snake, pet its scales and touched its tongue. She enjoyed intensely scary horror movies like they were thrilling but fun roller coaster rides. And she revealed through her stories and her diary a lifetime of behaviors that would strike most people as odd and qualify, by all standards, as dangerous."
- The No-Fear Woman (And What Her Brain Reveals) : Discovery News (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

sudan's conflict

the referendum that'll happen in sudan in january next year can be taken as use case where the enactment of islamic syariah fuelled many discontent among non-moslem people namely christian.hence make the south and north sudan fighting each other due to this differences.and now the compromise had been made and there'll be a referendum in which the south sudan can secede from the north sudan where most moslem reside.
I really don't like this though,a country should not separate just because the abomination of islamic law. and also because the government only care toward majority of moslem people that caused the government to only care about muslim by enacting a law based on Quran.islamic law shouldn't be enacted in a country that has diversed religion. because it brings nothing but chaos and rebellion. I really hope other nations can learn of what happened in sudan now when thinking of applying islamic law in one's nation.


"The referendum, scheduled for Jan. 9, is the centerpiece of a 2005 peace agreement that ended a 21-year civil war between the Muslim north and the oil-producing south, where Christianity and traditional beliefs dominate. About 2 million people died in the conflict and 4 million fled their homes."
- Southern Sudan Likely to Vote to Secede from North, Presidential Aide Says - Bloomberg (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Lee Kuan yew's view

a great insight into Lee Kuan Yew history and relationship with other ASEAN countries.singapore had played a great part in the modernisation of south east asian countries.well as a matter of fact singapore is the gateway of all the goods that entered the southeast nation from the west by using freight.his tough ruling for singapore and authocracy by silencing any dissent propelled singapore into one developed nation in this can imagine the irony of having democracy in relation to economic prosperity was quelled by the notion of using authoritarian system to achieve faster economic development.


"Granted, in just one generation, Lee built the resource-starved island into a prosperous nation with a capacious mind, strong character, iron will and absolute prudence, and does deserve credit for it. But his ruthless pragmatism and unquestioned belief in Machiavellianism will forever taint his otherwise remarkable achievements."
- Megalomaniac Lee Kuan Yew’s illusions « Dr Ko Ko Gyi’s Blog (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

delicious will be closed

another bad news from yahoo,apart from the massive layoffs, yahoo also planning to shutdown another great web service that I use often. that is delicious, after shutting down geocities a few months back now delicious will share the same fate as geocities. approximately they were 2000 bookmarks I had stored in delicious because this is a free social bookmarking web service. no other great alternative exist except in you could say delicious is one of a kind.
so in conclusion yahoo is going nowhere but down now.and takes all of its glory with it.


"Yahoo announced internally today that it is closing down Delicious. No date has been given for its closure."
- R.I.P. Delicious: You Were So Beautiful to Me (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

a letter for yahoo CEO

with the recent layoff happening in yahoo thus compelled some person to make an analysis of what truly happening in yahoo now.also the CEO Carol Bartz choose to not focus solely on flickr,something that I think she should.I mean flickr is a great service for sharing photos.there are many photographer swarming there.but the lack of introduction of new features in flickr also can be attributed to this layoff.I really hope that flickr can be free though.and the limit of only showing 200 photos for free account can be remove.paying $25 for a year is just too much.
ah well,there are many other great alternative for photo sharing site.but flickr had been deeply entrenched in photography's world


"But you know what? You haven’t taken the time to really explore the social side of Flickr. Hell, you don’t even have an account yourself on Flickr. One of the most highly visible and trafficked Yahoo properties and you don’t even have an account there. Would it be so hard to have your assistant set up an account for you and post some photos of some mountains from a family vacation two years ago?"
- Thomas Hawk Digital Connection » Blog Archive » An Open Letter to Carol Bartz, CEO Yahoo Inc. (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Senin, 13 Desember 2010

steve jobs' email

now what interesting in this released, wikileaks documented the email exchange between steve jobs and kim jong il, i.e the north korean leader. in which steve jobs harsly rebuke kim jong il's request to get a pre-release apple product for his son.
I mean a dictator rebuking another dictator is just something that fascinated me.this can also be used as a use case that steve jobs had become so influential among world leaders and many of whom deeply admired him.
ah well I need to have an apple product then such as macbook to feels steve jobs' charisma in it. :-)

in reference to:

"He did get a bit wordier in an exchange with North Korean bad boy Kim Jong Il. Kim, aching to get a pre-release iPod touch for his son back in August, wrote to Steve requesting “a favor from one dictator to another.” In this case, Steve doubled the syllable count with a quick “Hell no.”"
- WikiLeaks releases 140,000 emails from Steve Jobs | Scoopertino (view on Google Sidewiki)

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

history of wikileaks

this can be seen as a background explanation of what truly happening during the creation of wikileaks.very insightful.

now I know why israel never been mentioned in any wikileaks documents.well money can solve everything though.


"One independent news source,, reports that Assange accepted payment from Israel to delete any U.S. diplomatic cables that portray Israel poorly (as if anything could mar its reputation any worse than it already is). The source of this information, however, is Daniel Domscheit-Berg, a former disgruntled employee of WikiLeaks."
- WikiRebels: Swedish docufilm on WikiLeaks chronicles a new form of global resistance (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

stuxnet detrimental effect

iran nuclear facility is in chaos now due to the infection of the worm stuxnet.whoever created this worm must be a hell of expert to which I must admire because I am a programmer myself.this event can be taken as a use case of how a programmer can wreak havoc to a country that has sour ties with the US.although judging by the complexity of the virus,I suspect the american must be behind it.after all they the only one who have the utmost technological capabilites in creating something so detrimental such as stuxnet


"“Here is their problem. They should throw out every personal computer involved with the nuclear program and start over, but they can’t do that. Moreover, they are completely dependent on outside companies for the construction and maintenance of their nuclear facilities. They should throw out their computers as well. But they can’t,“ he explained. “They will just continually re-infect themselves.”"
- - Stuxnet Worm Still Out of Control at Iran's Nuclear Sites, Experts Say (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

noble peace prize

Liu Xiaobao had completed his dream of being awarded the noble peace prize.something that's everyone in this world is fascinate about.but also made him deserve to having such an award because he's in prison right now prosecuted by the chinese government for subversion.

this in turn brings to light the recent arrest of Julian Assenge that's now being arrested in the UK. as I completely supportive of him being awarded the noble peace prize for next year. what's funny about this is that Julian Assenge will be tortured by the US not because of forcing him telling the truth but more to the fact that to force him to hide the truth that he had known to the general public . this is the irony that's happening right now.


""The Nobel committee has to admit they are in the minority," foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said today. "The Chinese people and the overwhelming majority of people in the world are against this. This is not an issue of human rights; it is an issue of interference of internal affairs.""
- China blocks news websites ahead of Liu Xiaobo Nobel award | Media | (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

backstory in wikileaks

in this article will help us articulate the true causes of Julian Assenge able to obtain highly secretive cables from the US. just like another major event that happened,it's all started after 9/11. you should realize though that the attack of WTC, in hindsight change the world's brings us the economic downturn that many european n american are suffering now and also the leaks of hundreds thousand of classified documents and including 2 major wars in iraq and afghanistan.
but this also brings us the woes of handling too much document available within our scope nowadays.having too many documents will only make us lose more of them as keeping them would be cumbersome. anyhow I am planning to solve this document problem later in my thesis. so well wish me luck. :-)


"In the wake of 9/11 U.S. departments were told to stop being so secretive. Which is why we got to WikiLeaks--one guy apparently able to access millions of classified documents from pretty much every corner of the planet. If he could do then so could thousands of other people. And, one would have to assume, so could more than a few people who weren’t supposed to have access."
- Data, WikiLeaks and War - loose wire blog (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

email subscription in blogspot

for those that uses blogspot heavily, you might come across a trouble of how to activate subscribe by email so that all your reader can read your blog update via the email.

this is necessary to alert them of new posting and better engage with them. Usually blogspot user utilized bloglovin to provide an option for their reader to read new update of their blog, but I think bloglovin is troublesome as need to be activated manually through its website and also if you happen to open the link from bloglovin then it will be viewed using bloglovin web frame that's cumbersome to me. so anyway, to activate this email subscription in blogspot you need to do the following steps.

1. login to feedburner and put your website link like the picture below

2. after your RSS link feed had been confirmed then click the "publicize" tab then click "email subscription" and then click activate. in that webpage you'll be given a source code of widget that you'll need to put in your website so that other people can enter their email address and subscribe to your blog

3. it's done

so now blogging just made easier in blogspot. :-)

PS: you can also try the premium feedburner that has many feature in here

married men are less anti social

yup you got it right.if you're married that's mean you are more social than ever before, has many friends that care about you, and also make you less likely to get in trouble with a law.see this is the benefits of getting married, it's not only for physical things but also for your psychological nature.inherently man who are married find themselves to have many responsibilities to take care of, hence can make him feel happy and live longer than his peers who ain't married.


"A good marriage civilizes men. At least, that's what it looks like, since fewer married men are antisocial. Married men are more responsible, less aggressive, less likely to do something illegal and more mentally healthy than single ones."
- Why Married Men Are Less Antisocial - TIME Healthland - StumbleUpon (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

the lesser of two evils

a good example of having two choices,but both of them are bad.and must be chosen anyway.this is happening now in the US between democrats and republican.democrats wanted to give tax cut only to middle class but republican wanted the tax cut be given to wealthy one also.if none of them has an agreement then the bush tax cut will expire and none of american will get tax cut and risk inhibiting the economy progress due to tax increase in this depressed time.
well I guess president obama is having a hard time now choosing which best for america's interest, ain't it?


"the potential cost of giving in to Republican demands is high. What about the costs of letting the tax cuts expire? To be sure, letting taxes rise in a depressed economy would do damage"
- Let’s Not Make a Deal - (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

china and google

in the new document released by wikileaks,mark the revelation of chinese officials getting miffed by google search engine presents in mainland china.the chinese official trying to contain the information being displayed in google but to no avail as google rejected the demand.this in turn created a lot of red tapes for google to run their search business in china and hence decided that they need to pull out of china entirely.
this is hardly suprising as china always try to silence dissident in its own country,stymied them with free access of information and whatnot.all in the name of maintaining public next time you went into china just remember that this is the country that expelled google due to negative link for article covering chinese official being shown in google's search engine.


"All of a sudden, (redacted) continued, Baidu (a state-owned internet search engine) looked like a boring state-owned enterprise while Google 'seems very attractive, like the forbidden fruit.'""
- WikiLeaks: Chinese attacks on Google came from the top - (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

the impacts of wikileaks

now every foreign diplomats talking to US diplomats will try to mince their words so as not to make it sensitive or else their opinions could get in wikileaks also.this is a serious repercussions being done by wikileaks to the US government.and one that could take years to healed
just like they said "trust is like a virgin, once you break it then there is no going back"


"The Middle East is a place where yes means maybe, maybe means no, no is never heard (except in Israel), and a plea for a foreign solution to regional problems is a cop-out, not a serious request for action. It is where hypocrisy first gained a bad name. WikiLeaks has hurt America without changing that."
- Why Iran Loves WikiLeaks - (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

twitter and wikileaks

the last defense of wikileaks is wikileaks had been using twitter to spread the message and also informing others of its new domain name and whatnot that necessary to keep people better informed of what happen in wikileaks. as paypal, amazon, everyDNS and others had started to block all its left is twitter.if twitter decided to block wikileaks then I guess it'd be the end for wikileaks.
may god bless Julian Assange for his efforts to keep the world better informed of what truly happening in US politics


"In fact, as it becomes harder to find Wikileaks domains that are still accessible, Twitter has become the most reliable platform for it to get its message out to the world."
- Twitter fails to jump to Dept of State’s defence | Tech Blog: Insights on the tech industry | (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

wikileaks has no DNS

wow...this is the website that sustained most mishap than I ever knew got never ending DDOS attack for this past week.being kicked out of amazon cloud service and now being exempted in list of domain.what else is there for wikileaks to sustained? I strongly support wikileaks though.they had open my eyes to what really happen in this world.

and just like they said, "what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger"

update : this is the new link


"Connecting to WikiLeaks is presently not possible until it gets a new DNS service. WikiLeaks itself said on Twitter that the ending of DNS services was allegedly due to "claimed mass attacks" and called for further donations to "keep us strong"."
- WikiLeaks vanishes from web as US company removes DNS support | Media | (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

the real truth in afghan

the diplomatic cables leak issued by wikileaks showed what's really happening in afghanistan.the hard truth where the US troops are beginning to question the leadership of president taliban can easily take control of an area due to rampant corruption happening in afghanistan's politician.the war in afghan feels like a conundrum that's always haunted the US with no near end in sight.
thanks to wikileaks for telling us about this truth.


"Leaked U.S. diplomatic cables covering recent years of Afghanistan policy portray an unremittingly bleak landscape in which U.S. officials have alternately cajoled and pressured an erratic Afghan president"
- Leaked Afghan cables show U.S. frustration with leader (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Minggu, 28 November 2010

darwin's theories

I for one a big supporter of darwinian in which he postulated that human derive from one single species.that is monkey.[insert monkey sound here].such as the question of why male had a nipples?actually when baby still in womb,babies were all females so they develop nipples but when they reached age of 4 months then the sex gene starts kicking in and hence decided to make the baby a male or a female or in rare cases a transvestites.[insert gay jokes here]

anyhow any specific traits that human may have now come from our ancestors battling extreme condition as it used to be many hundreds years ago.such as why we have a backache?it's because we human were used to walk using our 4 limbs before,thereby making our spine shaped like a bridge.but due to the evolution those human decided to only use 2 limbs for walking and another 2 to picks up heavy stuff.but this created a consequence in which our spine were pressed down and created an S-like shaped.Human spine were not constructed to be bend into an S shape and so happen we human develop a backache as a daily reminder to not picks up heavy stuff and to always watch our back [pun are intended].

in reference to:

"Hunger evolved as a trigger to drive us to search out food. Our taste buds evolved to encourage us to choose foods that benefited our bodies (such as sugar, salt and fat) and avoid those that might be poisonous"
- The Top Ten Daily Consequences of Having Evolved | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sabtu, 27 November 2010


a worm that were made to destroy nuclear see,this is the benefit of being a programmer.we can start a cyberwar of creating high quality program that's detrimental to whomever we want it to.I guess this Stuxnet must be made from some US government,they are the only country that had public enmity towards iran automation of power plant and public infrastructure are at risk due to the use of this Stuxnet virus.ostensibly the superiority of making a software that's so complex like stuxnet must not be inferior to one's country military infrastructure capability.after all many had predicted that the world war 3 would start on the internet.and it's called cyberwar


""Stuxnet is like the arrival of an F-35 fighter jet on a World War I battlefield," blogged German industrial control systems expert Ralph Langner."
- Reuters AlertNet - ANALYSIS-Stuxnet: A new weapon for cyber insurgents? (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

terrorist's act foiled in the US

at least this terrorist act had been foiled thanks to FBI responsive action. but this event bring to light that most of the terrorist are from muslim majority country or naturalized citizen,and their name is mainly start with muhammad.I don't really know what's the situation like over there in the US of A but I reckon it must be hard for someone to live there if his name is mohammad due to the discrimination that is taking place.with the FBI watching and wiretapping every phone calls.

in reference to:

"The authorities arrested Mr. Mohamud at approximately 5:40 p.m. on Friday night, 20 minutes before the planned ceremony, taking him into custody kicking and screaming. He yelled, “Allahu Akhbar,” an Arabic phrase for “God is Great,” the authorities said."
- Oregon Teen Arrested in Plot to Bomb Holiday Event - (view on Google Sidewiki)

north korea's slave labor

so besides building restaurant franchise that's so happen to reside in many countries,north korea regime also sent its people to work overseas to earn money for their government and now those workers are being pulled and back to their home country due to the escalating tension in korean peninsula to aid in Kim Jong Il warmongering thing is for sure,it's a tough shit being a north korean.


""North Korea's government sends thousands of its citizens to Russia to earn money, most of which is funnelled through government accounts," says Simon Ostrovsky, a journalist who discovered secret North Korean logging camps in the northern Siberian taiga. "Workers are often sent to remote locations for years at a time to work long hours and get as little as three days off per year.""
- Expats recalled as North Korea prepares for war - Asia, World - The Independent (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Jumat, 26 November 2010

synagogue in manado

this is a sign of pluralism in indonesia.jewish community are thriving in manado and they can preach their judaism freely there without the hindrance of any islamist fanatics that were based in java, e.g FPI and the like.I for one supported the peaceful environment where no one force their own religion to someone else's this act only create tension and never ending anyway let's preserve the status quo then. :-)


"“The anti-Jewish feelings really came in the 1980s and 1990s, all because of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” Mr. Reid said."
- In Part of Indonesia, Judaism is Embraced - (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

mathematical formula in piano

if you watch fringe you should know an episode into which a villain solve a math formula by playing the music in a piano.turns out that piano did have mathematical combination necessary to solve math problem.every note that you pushed in a piano key sets represent a set of constant value that changes when you make it into a music as the combination of notes.whoever created piano in the first place really know how to master mathematical formula and applied that in music-playing piano instrument


"The Greeks had a lot of interest in mathemathics, and it seemed "right" for them to search for "perfect" combinations - perfect meaning that they should be expressed in terms of fractions of small integer numbers. They noticed that if you double or halve the string length, you get the same note (the concept of an octave); other fractions, such as 2/3, 3/4, also produced "harmonic" combinations."
- Mathematical difference between white and black notes in a piano? - Mathematics - Stack Exchange (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Rabu, 24 November 2010

ireland and iceland

now another euro country that is ireland had went bankrupt.this is due to the blanket guarantee that were imposed during bank crisis there.similar to what happens in indonesia during soeharto regime.soeharto also imposed the same policy of blanket guarantee during indonesia bank crisis in 1997 but this is a wrong move as the banking collapse and the indonesian government were responsible to pay out all the debts of those bank.ireland now had to pay this hefty price and enacted harsh austerity measure to save its country from being see sometime learning economy is just really important.


"Ireland has been orthodox and responsible — guaranteeing all debts, engaging in savage austerity to try to pay for the cost of those guarantees, and, of course, staying on the euro. Iceland has been heterodox: capital controls, large devaluation, and a lot of debt restructuring"
- Lands of Ice and Ire - (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Selasa, 23 November 2010

harry potter film technology explained

it's take a lot of CGI (computer graphic imaging) to create a film that as great as Harry Potter.also this reminded me when I take a class about graphic and image back in college.but well at least it was worth it.can't wait to see the second part next year.

in reference to:

"There's over 20-some minutes of fighting and aerial action, but the dragon in Gringotts is great. It's a different dragon than we've seen before. This is a badly, maltreated dragon who's been kept in the dark cave all its life. It's emaciated. It's partially blind. It's very, very dangerous. It's a great character,"
- Behind The Magic: Deathly Hallows FX Supervisor Explains Your Favorite Scenes - Techland - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Senin, 22 November 2010

north korea attacking south korea

this is interesting,for starter pyongyang just got swolen up with arrogancy due to the new nuclear reactors they're just building.and the north just keep raising the tension in korean peninsula.I really wonder how much time it would take to make south korea realize that to achieve peace in the region is for them to conquer the north and brings the communist regime down.


"South Korea says it has scrambled F-16 fighter jets and returned fire after North Korea shot dozens of rounds of artillery onto a populated South Korean island near the countries' western border."
- North Korea Reportedly Fires Artillery Near South - (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

9 collections of fatwa

this will empower your mind with known fatwas that had been released to the public.some of them are mildly interesting and the rest are just something that's blows your mind the life as taliban if I must say.


"Every time you turn around, a Muslim cleric is issuing a religious edict (fatwa) about something. Whether it's giving fellow Muslims permission to murder blasphemers or preventing children from getting polio vaccinations because it's a Jewish conspiracy, these guys have an opinion and they're more than willing to share it."
- (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

US drone attack in pakistan

pakistan just denied the request of CIA to extend the area necessary for drone attack to target taliban there.I for one supported US operation make the world more safe from this hardline extremism.

perihal: Pakistan denies U.S. request to expand drone access, officials say - (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Minggu, 21 November 2010

alqaida intermittently plot attack in the USA

alqaida keeps finding way to circumvent security precaution being placed in the US.first there are shoe bomber and the new rule is to make people take off their shoes when entering the airport.and then the underwear bomber which make new policies by the TSA to search and feel people's underwear when entering the airplane.and now we have printer,which made that every foreign printer shall not get permission to enter to the US.with this so many rules I am just beginning to wonder how it is exactly the US economy is going to prevail? are they going to keep themselves in recession because of this? well that's their problem to solve.


""It is more feasible to stage smaller attacks that involve less players and less time to launch and thus we may circumvent the security barriers America worked so hard to erect," Inspire writes, calling this "the strategy of a thousand cuts.""
- (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

happy birthday windows

it's been 25 years and yet Blue Screen Of Death still prevails in windows computing world.I thinks its time for me to have a mac though.


"It was 25 years ago today that Microsoft released Windows 1.0. The world’s most popular operating system has gone through a number of versions since then, and the next iteration, Windows 8, is expected within 2 years."
- (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

owl scarcity in india

I do think of keeping an owl myself though,they're kind of very cute creature.but the widespread fandom of harry potter had made owls became the object of fascination and many of them captured and taken as a pet hoping their owls can send mails just like in harry potter movie.sometime people just do what they see in the movie beyond what is permissible.


"The mother responded, "No, the party theme is 'Harry Potter' and we want to have 'Hedwig' - Harry's pet owl. Please ask someone to capture and bring the owl to us. We can pay the cost.""
- (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

michael arrington

I always like reading his opinion pieces pertaining to certain events.he can be snarky,rude and yet interesting at the same time.a great writer and a role model for someone who wanted to be a columnist.and now he ran techcrunch, i.e a technology blog covering everything that's online.


"My style is to bust the door down and clean the mess up later. That works pretty well for me. I’ve known a lot of my sources for five years now. When I call them, there’s no salutation—it’s just right to the point. I expect them to tell me what I want to know very quickly."
- The Way I Work: Michael Arrington of TechCrunch (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Sabtu, 20 November 2010

afghans clueless about 9/11

so basically afghan peoples are clueless about the attack of WTC in 2001.well this is to be expected in a country that was ravaged under taliban rule beforehand since the access of information is limited.but they should know that the US allies is doing everything they can to thwart off taliban and bring peace in afghanistan.let's see how it turns out till 2014 then.


"Research conducted in the southern provinces of Helmand and Kandahar last month suggested 92 percent of the 1,000 respondents were unaware of the attacks on Washington and New York that prompted the US-led invasion of Afghanistan."
- (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

android and iphone in comparison

what I seem to be getting at in this article is that we can sell apps more effectively in app store than in android market.the former maintains a strict rule that governs how the apps are being distributed while the latter due to its open source environment had created a way to pirate many apps hence make developer falls short on revenue. surely every programmers out there need to make something of the apps that they're just need to know how hard it is to code things out.


"Put another way, the iPhone is clearly in close competition against Android handsets in the mobile phone market. But iOS, as a platform, almost completely dominates the mobile app console market. In the history of epic tech industry rivalries, I don’t think this situation is similar to anything pri"
- (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Kamis, 18 November 2010

fat people smell food better than non-fat one

so it's official,the fatter you are the more ability that you had to smell food and arouse your hunger for consuming something.this is consistent to the fact that fat people will only get fatter and thin people would only get thinner.I guess fat people never find themselves in bereavement of eating good quality food. bon apetit.


""Obese consumers with a higher BMI have more of a drive to eat high fat, high sugar and highly palatable foods, which is consistent with a heightened taste sensitivity for these foods.""
- do-overweight-people-smell-food-better from - StumbleUpon (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Selasa, 16 November 2010

waterboarding technique

CIA use waterboarding to torture terrorist suspect.the extent of the torture is mind-boggling that's hard to grasp.this is done in retaliation of the 9/11 WTC attack.although this excruciating operation did succeed in capturing many terrorist linked with 9/11, but the procodure did arouse many controversy of the possible violation of human rights.well at least we're glad that George W.Bush isn't US president no more.that's at least would make his effort worth our while.


"Terror suspects should get a "a dunk in the water." But recently released internal documents reveal the controversial "enhanced interrogation" practice was far more brutal on detainees than Cheney's description sounds, and was administered with meticulous cruelty."
- Waterboarding for dummies - Torture - (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

facebook new email

well at least now I can chat with my friend easier and more effective.the thing is that email is something that's formal to use connect with friends I use chat messaging such as ym or BBM (blackberry messaging).nonetheless the proliferation of this new feature will greatly augment our social interaction in facebook. :-)


"“It starts with intuition,” says engineering director Andrew 'Boz' Bosworth. “It starts with a feeling that there’s an opportunity here.""
- Facebook Engineers Reveal How New Messages Features Came To Be | Fast Company (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Senin, 15 November 2010

defection on the rise from north korea

the reason for the separation between the north and south korea was dated back then during japan occupation of korean peninsula.when in 1930 japan rules korean but in 1945 japan suffered heaviest defeat due to 2 atomic bombs dropped by the US and the joint attack by coalition forces such as soviet japan left the korean peninsula then america and soviet union decided to divide the korean peninsula by two parts.the north korea get to governed by the soviet union and the south get to governed by the american.hence there's exist a communist state and a democratic state.overtime soviet union dominance diminished and the north find themselves unable to move forward with their economy and lagged behind, this is different situation with those in south korea that has its prosperity skyrocketing with the help of the US.the thing is that north korea is a reclusive regime that try to silence its people against any rebellion of its state and thus many people suffered there.


"Defections from North Korea have risen markedly in recent years, as economic conditions have worsened in the North and more news from abroad filters into the secretive communist state."
- North Korea Defections on Rise, South Says - (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Selasa, 09 November 2010

apache battles with oracle's restriction on java

this is utterly bad news for all of those programmer out there.every programmer in this world knew that java is an ubiquitious language when it came to learning object-oriented design.and realizing the fate that java had become now due to oracle's restriction that were in place only put salt into the wound.this must be hindered as java is still my most favourite programming language.the only way for this to be solve is for google to buy java from oracle. with their deep pockets of money and their heavy reliance on java on their android OS they surely must anticipated this move. hope things will turn out good for all of us involved.

in reference to:

"Charging that Oracle has willfully disregarded the licensing terms for its own Java technology, the Apache Software Foundation has called upon other members of the Java Community Process (JCP) to vote against the next proposed version of the language, should Oracle continue to impose restrictions on open-source Java use."
- Apache declares war on Oracle over Java | ITworld (view on Google Sidewiki)

tifatul sembiring hands touched with woman

actually it didn't really matter to touch a woman.but perhaps some people just taking it too far.just like this one.

in reference to:

"n footage of the official welcome, Sembiring appeared to share his countrymen's enthusiasm. He smiled broadly as he shook the president's hand and then reached with both hands to grasp Michelle's. But later he said she forced their contact."
- Did Indonesia minister shake US first lady's hand? (view on Google Sidewiki)

Senin, 08 November 2010

iran's panicking

the tough security sanctions placed on iran by the US starts biting into iranian government now.the phase out subsidies and other basic products will incite demonstration across iran.let's see how this iron-fisted regime handles this debacles.

in reference to:

"Iranian authorities have been tightening security ahead of a controversial government plan to phase out basic food and fuel subsidies. The government is bracing for social unrest, and has increased the police presence in Tehran and other cities. On Monday, several underground rap musicians were arrested in Tehran, and last week hundreds of young men and women were arrested in what the police termed a "security cleansing.""
- Iran Arrests Four Students in New Crackdown - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Minggu, 07 November 2010

laptop will cook your nether region

yes that's right,if you're a man then it's better not to put a laptop on your lap as it will cook your testical due to overheating.especially if you use laptop that uses AMD instead of intel -- as widely known AMD laptop generate much more heat than intel processor -- .so to prevent it then please don't put any laptop on your lap.just put it on the table or just buy an ipad instead. :-)

in reference to:

"Whoever invented the 'laptop' probably didn't worry too much about male reproductive health."
- Your laptop could be cooking your testicles - Health - Men's health - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

.ly domains

this interesting facts about the revocation of a .ly domain due to in violation of islamic law.what makes it interesting is that .ly domain is from libyan.and the implementation of islamic law there regarding domain uses is really obscure pertinent to the web better be careful next time when opting for a web domain using .ly.

in reference to:

"Existing owners of such domains may renew but those premium domains are no longer open for registration by anyone who does not have a presence in Libya. Think about that, the domains for, (another set of url shorteners) and (advertising solution), would not be registrable now by foreigners. Previously, any domain available was available to anyone who wanted to register it."
- The .ly domain space to be considered unsafe | :Ben Metcalfe Blog (view on Google Sidewiki)

Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

anti-social job

I really think for those that has autism or doesn't like to had many friends.then being an undertaker is a good choice for your career.

in reference to:

"But the funeral industry also has good jobs in which the people you spend most of your work day with are dead. And dead people don't give boring PowerPoint presentations or talk loudly on their cell phones all day."
- Top 10 Jobs for People Who Hate People - Yahoo! Finance (view on Google Sidewiki)

Kamis, 30 September 2010

inception's ending

so cobb really did united with his children in the real world and not in dream due to the spinning top drops at the end.and it has been confirmed.

in reference to:

""[The spinning top] drops at the end, that's when I come back on. If I'm there it's real, because I'm never in the dream. I'm the guy who invented the dream.""
- Inception Ending Revealed by Sir Michael Caine (view on Google Sidewiki)

Rabu, 29 September 2010

war reparations

german had to learnt it the hard way in understanding that war leads nothing but destruction and they also had to pay the allied forces for all the expenses they spent on scaling the war that big.

in reference to:

"What the Bank of England calls ‘quantitative easing’ now was started in Germany with the printing of money to pay off the war debt, triggering inflation to the point where ten billion marks would not even buy a loaf of bread."
- Germany end World War One reparations after 92 years with £59m final payment | Mail Online (view on Google Sidewiki)

Senin, 27 September 2010

blackberry playbook

seems like an ipad is the defacto champion of tablet notebook afterall.

in reference to:

"The version of the device that ships first will NOT have a 3G cellular radio inside. Why is that? It's because the QNX software does include the software necessary to interface with a cellular radio. RIM is still working on that part. That's why the 3G/4G versions of the PlayBook aren't shipping until the second half of 2011. Until then, users will have to rely on Wi-Fi for connectivity most of the time."
- First Impressions Of BlackBerry PlayBook -- InformationWeek (view on Google Sidewiki)

Senin, 20 September 2010

steve jobs direct email

well you just can't expect much from someone who is a billionaire. :-)

in reference to:

"Chelsea replied once again mentioning her grade, and foolishly, castigating Jobs over a "lack of common courtesy". She clearly didn't realise that a sorry from Apple is about as good as it gets."
- Steve Jobs chops student hack down to size • The Register (view on Google Sidewiki)

Minggu, 12 September 2010

ground zero mosque

the reasons why american need to let the construction of this mosque, one of which is to preserve the value of secularity and also one's freedom of religion.

in reference to:

""It is now no more that toleration is spoken of as if it were the indulgence of one class of people that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights, for, happily, the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens"
- If the 'Mosque' Isn't Built, This Is No Longer America | (view on Google Sidewiki)

Rabu, 08 September 2010

seach in real time

google just unveil google instant.pretty impressive feature I reckon.lots of people gonna use it.

in reference to:

"Search as you type. It’s a simple and straightforward idea—people can get results as they type their queries. Imagining the future of search, the idea of being able to search for partial queries or provide some interactive feedback while searching has come up more than a few times."
- Official Google Blog: Search: now faster than the speed of type (view on Google Sidewiki)

Minggu, 05 September 2010

america's recession

great insights of what truly cause the economic recession in america and it's rightful solution.I guess the chinese are basking in wealth right now.

in reference to:

"Policies that generate more widely shared prosperity lead to stronger and more sustainable economic growth — and that’s good for everyone. The rich are better off with a smaller percentage of a fast-growing economy than a larger share of an economy that’s barely moving. That’s the Labor Day lesson we learned decades ago; until we remember it again, we’ll be stuck in the Great Recession."
- Op-Ed Contributor - How to End the Great Recession - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sabtu, 04 September 2010

the importance of illustration

everytime you do your blogging then it's imperative if you use an illustration to elucidate your opinion or something else for that matters.such as this one.

in reference to:

"An illustration is a displayed visualization form presented as a drawing, painting, photograph  or other work of art  that is created to elucidate or dictate sensual information (such as a story, poem or newspaper article) by providing a visual representation graphically."
- “Stuff No One Told Me” fun illustrations » This Blog Rules | Why go elsewhere? (view on Google Sidewiki)

Jumat, 03 September 2010

trapped chilean miner

well he's got a lot of explaining to do when he's out of the below earth

in reference to: Wife runs into mistress at Chile mine (view on Google Sidewiki)

Kamis, 02 September 2010

social entrapment

great comic drawing of social interaction in everyday's life.

in reference to:

"One of the most difficult aspects of interacting with other people is figuring out how to extricate yourself from a conversation without appearing rude or mentally unstable. You aren't allowed to just walk away - you need to have a reason to stop talking. And the reason can't be that you want to stop talking. You need to find a way to end the conversation without making it seem like you want the conversation to end"
- Hyperbole and a Half: The Four Levels of Social Entrapment (view on Google Sidewiki)

Rabu, 01 September 2010


trapped in an underground cave for 4 months must had taken all their insanity away I guess. :-)

in reference to:

"Rescue workers are currently using three existing bore holes to deliver the food, water, air and medicine to the miners, who are trapped around 700 meters underground."
- Trapped Chilean miners won't get paid while they're buried alive | Mail Online (view on Google Sidewiki)

Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

sysnagogue in lebanon

this is the touching story of how lebanon is buidling its entire city demolished by bombs dropped by israeli defend forces during their war campain

in reference to:

""There should be no mosque near Ground Zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia. The time for double standards that allow Islamists to behave aggressively toward us while they demand our weakness and submission is over."
- Zero Party Politics: The Ground Zero Synagogue—Lebanon Becoming More American than America (view on Google Sidewiki)

Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

when woman says no

a great insights of what woman truly want.I think I should employ some of the rule being made here.

in reference to:

"Someone somewhere came up with this phrase that goes something like, “When a man says no, that’s the end of the discussion. When a woman says no, it’ the beginning of a negotiation.” No, I do not want you to sit next to me. No, do not try to come up with a compromise. No, you cannot come in, we are closed. No, do not try to reason that you’ll only be a few minutes. Funny that when my male coworker tells you we’re closed, you leave immediately."
- Hey Men -- Stop Hitting on Me | Sex & Relationships | AlterNet (view on Google Sidewiki)


neptune will complete its 165 years orbit of the sun.well if it take 1 year for the earth to orbit the sun then it takes neptune 165 years.kind of amazing I think.make us realize that we're not alone.

in reference to:

"And for those of you who still think of Pluto as a planet, waiting around for its 248 year orbit to return it to its position at the time of its discovery won't happen until 2178! It's taken us a long time to learn so much about where we live in this Universe, so don't forget this remarkable anniversary!"
- An 18 Billion Mile Journey is almost complete! : Starts With A Bang (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

the renouncement of mosque building in US

many people in the US are starting to repudiate the building of a mosque near trade centre.some got into extreme measure. read on to find out what's happening.

in reference to:

""It's clear that many are exploiting this issue and the deep-seated anti-Muslim bigotry that underlies much of this controversy for bare political gain [but] there certainly is a constitutional right to speak out against this or any other project. "We have a robust protection of free speech in this country including the right to speak hatefully.""
- The US blogger on a mission to halt 'Islamic takeover' | World news | The Guardian (view on Google Sidewiki)

Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010


and all the tidbits about it

in reference to:

"Unless you've been living under a rock for the past couple of decades, you've probably heard of Starbucks. After all, it's been around since 1971, and, as of today, there are 16,300 locations around the globe. Besides its unique sizing system (Tall! Grande! Venti!), there are plenty of other interesting things to learn about this leader of the gourmet coffee revolution. Check out the 10 most fascinating facts below."
- Starbucks Facts - Things You Didn't Know About Starbucks at (view on Google Sidewiki)

what is a PhD?

this guide would explain you better.

in reference to:

"Every fall, I explain to a fresh batch of Ph.D. students what a Ph.D. is. It's hard to describe it in words. So, I use pictures."
- The illustrated guide to a Ph.D. (view on Google Sidewiki)

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

letter of albert einstein

I just realized that einsteins i.e the man behind the invention of nuclear bomb. is also the man of poetry.he wrote such an amazing letter.go read it then.

in reference to:

"In January of 1954, just a year before his death, Albert Einstein wrote the following letter to philosopher Erik Gutkind after reading his book, 'Choose Life: The Biblical Call to Revolt'. Apparently Einstein had only read the book due to repeated recommendation by their mutual friend Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer."
- Letters of Note: The word God is the product of human weakness (view on Google Sidewiki)

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

signs that the US is becoming a third world country

pretty good read in explaining the dire circumstances that are happening now in the US.well things need to get worst before they get better.

in reference to:

"The United States by every measure is hanging on by a thread to its First World status. Saddled by debt, engaged in wars on multiple fronts with a rising police state at home, declining economic productivity, and wild currency fluctuations all threaten America's future."
- 10 Signs The U.S. is Becoming a Third World Country - informationliberation (view on Google Sidewiki)

Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

japan's war times

a great insights into the situation in japan following the dropping of 2 atomic bombs and the desperate attempt by japan empire to still fight to the death.

in reference to:

"As the United States dropped its atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, 1.6 million Soviet troops launched a surprise attack on the Japanese army occupying eastern Asia. Within days, Emperor Hirohito's million-man army in the region had collapsed."
- The Associated Press: Historians rethink key Soviet role in Japan defeat (view on Google Sidewiki)

the renmibi, i.e yuan

interesting insights about the appreciation and depreciation of yuan against US dollars and its impact towards global economy.

in reference to:

"For China, a stronger renminbi will increase the buying power of its consumers and could make gasoline and other imported commodities seem less expensive. Faced with spreading labor unrest, particularly in the auto industry, the government has started to make an energetic effort to improve the standard of living of industrial workers."
- Yuan News - The New York Times (view on Google Sidewiki)

china's growing economy

china has now surpassed japan as the second world largest economy.second only to the united states.I think it has to do with communism because china's government can act decisively and without any trouble.

in reference to:

"Assessing what China’s newfound clout means, though, is complicated. While the country is still relatively poor per capita, it has an authoritarian government that is capable of taking decisive action — to stimulate the economy, build new projects and invest in specific industries."
- China Passes Japan to Become No. 2 Economy - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010

3 reasons why israeli will invade iran

a great insights of why israel is so wary about a nuclear arm iran.

in reference to: 3 Reasons Israel will Attack Iran (view on Google Sidewiki)

blackberry torch

oh how I wish to be able to had another blackberry.I am a blackberry biggest addict.

in reference to:

"Web surfing on the Torch is surprisingly – no, shockingly – sluggish. Web-optimized sites can take up to 10 seconds to load, three times longer than on the iPhone, while non-optimized sites can take nearly 30 seconds to completely load."
- Blackberry Torch Review: The Best Blackberry Yet (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

winter war

this is a long article depicting the gruesome war diary of the winter war in 1940s, in which the stubborn soviet attacked the harsh finland.only to realize that the soviet suffered massive casualties during the war ordeal. and also this war was when the molotov cocktail term was first coined.the finland army uses cocktail molotov to attack the soviet's tank and other mobile infantry. a hard lesson that must be learn by soviet union and hence brings down the fall of communism in the europe.

in reference to:

"Thus began a military conflict that came to be known as the Winter War, one of the least publicized but most costly offensive campaigns in the annals of military history."
- A Thousand Lakes of Red Blood on White Snow - Arto Bendiken (view on Google Sidewiki)

oracle's search term temporarily remove

google hated it when oracle decided to file an infringement lawsuit against google for android JVM license,hence this prompted google to remove oracle search result altogether. well we can see this in both ways a) google is the sole search engine on this planet and able to do anything they like or b) oracle just got fucked up

in reference to:

"But someone at Google didn’t find this amusing and seemingly tampered with Google’s search algorithm and database by eliminating Oracle altogether."
- Google Briefly Punishes Oracle by Removal from Google Search | | Patents & Patent Law (view on Google Sidewiki)

google's dead projects

well at least google did try to innovate and's better than being stagnated.

in reference to:

"This heart-wrenching news brings us to remember the vast list of other Google projects that have also gone by the wayside.  Check out ten more dead Google projects floating around in cyberspace and our minds."
- The Top 10 Dead Google Projects Floating About In Cyberspace (view on Google Sidewiki)

ground zero's mosque

president obama remarks when saying that he would support the proposed building of a mosque near ground zero.

in reference to:

""I understand the emotions that this issue engenders. Ground zero is, indeed, hallowed ground," the president said in remarks prepared for the annual White House iftar, the sunset meal breaking the day’s fast."
- Obama defends "Ground Zero mosque" - Glenn Greenwald - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

iran's judicial system

this is the thing why I hate about iran and also's a great thing for the american government to give more sanctions to this elusive nation.

in reference to:

"The BBC's Tehran correspondent, Jon Leyne, says the Iranian authorities are clearly trying to move the focus away from the adultery charge and the stoning sentence, and to brand Ms Ashtiani a murderer."
- BBC News - Iran TV airs 'confession' from woman facing stoning (view on Google Sidewiki)

this is sad

for a man like me,reading this story is just so horrendous.

in reference to: Boyfriend Stabbed in the Balls; Bleeds to Death (view on Google Sidewiki)

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

the changing revolution of sex

it said here that many girl like to perform fellatio and the fact that oral sex was highly favourited among teenage.well at least they are having fun right? hehe...

in reference to:

""From my study, all of the women who had engaged in sexual intercourse had also engaged in oral sex as well,""
- Behaviors and attitudes towards oral sex are changing (view on Google Sidewiki)

indonesia leads twitter usage

indonesian people like to tweet, well at least that what this report said. this kind of good news as more and more indonesian people can express themselves through social media such as twitter and in the end able to communicate freely.

twitter = freedom of speech

in reference to:

"Today nearly 3 out of 4 global Internet users access social networking sites each month, making it one of the most ubiquitous activities across the web. As more users around the world have become acquainted with connecting and expressing themselves through social media, it has created an environment where new media like Twitter can emerge globally in a relatively short period of time.”"
- Indonesia, Brazil and Venezuela Lead Global Surge in Twitter Usage - comScore, Inc (view on Google Sidewiki)

Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

how to quit your job

this man decided to quit his job in a dramatic way,that is by pulling an emergency exit door in a plane while the plane is taxiing.but at least the airline got the idea of his intention though.

in reference to:

"It is not clear exactly what was said on the intercom. The source said that when the plane at stopped at the gate, Slater then grabbed some beer from the beverage cart before deploying the emergency slide and using it to leave the plane."
- Cursing, beer and a popped chute as flight attendant quits - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

stephen hawking

well living in outer space is a kind of a great idea but the real world is here in this planet earth.because it's where we are from.

in reference to:

"If spaceships are built that can fly faster than the speed of light, a day on board would be equivalent to a year on Earth. That's because -- according to Einstein -- as objects accelerate through space, time slows down around them."
- - Abandon Earth or Face Extinction, Stephen Hawking Warns -- Again (view on Google Sidewiki)

blackberry curve 3G

I am a die hard fan of email addictions had been satiated when I use blackberry for the first time in my life.

in reference to: RIM Introduces the BlackBerry Curve 3G Smartphone! | (view on Google Sidewiki)


delicious cupcakes ready to serve your geek needs.

in reference to:

"You have the entire lego as well as the iPhone collection ready for you. If you are a Wii lover(who isn’t!), you can also go for the Wii cupcakes. Cupcakes have always been loved but with these ideas, they are loved even more"
- Finally: A sweet geeky cupcakes!(PICS) (view on Google Sidewiki)

arab-israeli relation

a good read about the changing behavior of arab nation had towards israelis.and why they are afraid of the threat of a nuclear iran.

in reference to:

"Israel is the enemy of their enemy, Iran. Now, the usual description of Arab-Israeli relations as "hostile" or "belligerent" is giving way to a more complex picture."
- Nuclear Iran Drastically Changing Arab-Israeli Dynamics (view on Google Sidewiki)

Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

becoming unemployed

7 ways how to be different and do nothing for your country.

in reference to:

"There are millions of hardworking folks who sacrificed long hours to their jobs who got laid off. If you follow these seven simple steps, you too will be unemployed in no time!"
- How to Become Unemployed in 7 Easy Steps (view on Google Sidewiki)

Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

atomic bombing of japan

it was necessary action to bring down the japanese empire in world war 2.japanese troop killed so many people and because of that this bombing of atomic bomb against hiroshima and nagasaki was completely justified.

in reference to:

"As the train passengers trudged their way through the carnage, she saw survivors with molten skin dripping off their bodies"
- Horror of  Hiroshima Remains Seared Into Survivors’ Minds | The Jakarta Globe (view on Google Sidewiki)

Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

the advantage of blackberry

that's why blackberry is a great phone.come use it then.ditch away your nokia phone or other related one.

in reference to:

"Blackberry data is encrypted and routed overseas, and the measure could be motivated in part by government fears that the messaging system could be exploited by terrorists or other criminals who cannot be monitored by the local authorities."
- Saudi Arabia to Block BlackBerry Messaging - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

hacking ATM

aren't they glad to be a hacker? getting fresh money out of hacking an ATM is just genious.

in reference to:

"In a city filled with slot machines spilling jackpots, it was a “jackpotted” ATM that got the most attention Wednesday at the Black Hat security conference, when researcher Barnaby Jack demonstrated two suave hacks against automated teller machines that made them spew out dozens of crisp bills."
- Researcher Demonstrates ATM ‘Jackpotting’ at Black Hat Conference | Threat Level | (view on Google Sidewiki)

planet mars

this red planet is just so intriguing.

in reference to:

"Researchers have identified rocks that they say could contain the fossilised remains of life on early Mars."
- Mars site may hold buried life!! (view on Google Sidewiki)

north korea soccer team

the only downside of representing for a sport team in north korea communist is that Kim Jong Il takes losing very seriously and will make sure those team got their lesson afterwards.

in reference to: N. Korean Soccer Team Gets Public Humiliation After WorldCup (view on Google Sidewiki)

Senin, 26 Juli 2010

moon landing

this are the facts that you need to know about Apollo 11 journey that take place during in the 1970s.some people didn't believe that american really did landed on the moon there. and so they need to read this.

in reference to:

"TV coverage of the landing was recorded from another TV The first landing used slow-scan television incompatible with commercial TV, so it was displayed on a special monitor at NASA, and a conventional TV camera viewed this monitor, significantly reducing the quality of the picture"
- 10 Secrets of the First Moon Landing (view on Google Sidewiki)

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

full body scanner

now everyone can start wearing this protective pads if they decided to ever go to USA and had to get through the full body scanner.

in reference to:

"The pasties come in sets for women including two breast pasties and one bottom and one bottom piece for males. They are emblazoned with text such as "Private" and "Only my husband sees me naked." The company does offer the option to customize the message your pasties."
- Flying Pasties Hide Your Privates from Full Body Scanners (view on Google Sidewiki)

Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

gay heaven in saudi arabia

due to strict implementations of sharia law that banned the male and female of mixing together in the country had led to homosexuality to flourish in saudi arabia.surely this is just a tragedy. I hate gay people and I am a homophobe.

in reference to:

"Sodomy is punishable by death in Saudi Arabia, but gay life flourishes there. Why it is “easier to be gay than straight” in a society where everyone, homosexual and otherwise, lives in the closet"
- The Kingdom in the Closet - Magazine - The Atlantic (view on Google Sidewiki)

north korea stupid regime

Kim Jong Il had done nothing to help his poor people that are starving to death because they had no food to eat but also exacerbated the living condition of its people by trying not to admit the failing of its health care system.surely the only way to fix this is for south korea to invade the north korea and kim jong il to step down as the leader of the north korea.

I feel really saddened by the tragedy that is happening in north korea right now. stupid regime.

in reference to: Amnesty International says North Korea’s health system is in dire need of aid » Breaking News | Wire Update News | News Wires - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

chicken and egg

well this is fascinating

in reference to:

"Philosophers and fertility experts can rest easy as the age-old question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” finally has an answer: The chicken."
- the-chicken-and-the-egg-ancient-mystery-solved from - StumbleUpon (view on Google Sidewiki)

Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

final words from famous man

this is some of the famous last word ever being uttered by the famous man ever alive in this world. I kind of like the word being said by Jack Daniel, the one who make one of the great alcoholic drink.

in reference to:

""One last drink, please.""
- Deathbed Witticisms: Funniest Famous Last Words (view on Google Sidewiki)

living dolls

well just like it had been known that beauty is pain.and you need to get used to it girls. :-)

in reference to:

"They parade in miniature ballgowns, wear false eyelashes and can be as young as five… We venture into the world of mini beauty pageants to meet the young princesses and their pushy parents"
- Living dolls: inside the world of child beauty pageants | Life and style | The Observer (view on Google Sidewiki)

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

pilot's prank

pretty interesting read though and quite funny too. :-)

in reference to:

"Word has it that a captain with what used to be British European Airlines would occasionally sit in the back with the passengers for a while before the flight and pretend to be waiting for the pilot. People would get antsy and frustrated, and at some point, he’d declare loudly that if the pilot didn’t show up soon, he’d fly the plane himself. Then he’d get up and do just that—often pretending to have no idea how to operate the controls."
- Top 8 Pranks Played by Pilots on Their Passengers (view on Google Sidewiki)

I couldn't agree more

a professor stance against homosexuality.we need more professor like this though.

in reference to: Professor Fired for Giving Catholic Stance on Homosexuality (view on Google Sidewiki)

Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

iran's law

I don't really like iran, they use death by stoning a legal thing to do and that's why I don't really like ahmadinajad.he seems like a terrorist to me though.killing his own people during the bloody demonstration against the result of the presidential election.

in reference to:

"Iran's penal code, which interprets Islamic law with exceptional severity, stipulates death by stoning for both men and women in cases of adultery. Article 104 of the code even specifies that "the stones should not be so large that the person dies upon being hit by one or two of them; neither should they be so small they could not be defined as stones.""
- Death By Stoning: Iran's Internal Debate (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010

barack obama

this is some speculation about obama's views on some event.

in reference to:

"wondered, in secret, how somebody who was educated in Islamic schools and grew up Muslim could say he was no longer Muslim. As I understand Islam, you cannot just walk away from that religion much in the same way you can Christian religions."
- Obama: I'm Muslim (view on Google Sidewiki)

naked teacher

well I always like seeing my teacher naked.the pretty one of course. :-)

in reference to:

"Waite said the workers reported seeing "a woman lying on the floor naked from the waist up" and a school safety officer summoned to the classroom said the women were "naked," with one "on her knees" and one "lying on the floor.""
- Female teachers found drunk, partially naked in high school (view on Google Sidewiki)

gay polls

having a gay or lesbian in an army is something that is counter-productive.

in reference to: How Would You Feel Showering With Gays? (view on Google Sidewiki)

female viagra

I would really love to have this kind of drug.would make the sex experience wonderful altogether.haha...

in reference to:

"But above all else, for absolute certain, one thing you really, really do not do: You do not mess around with the female sexual response."
- The glorious myth of "female Viagra" - SFGate (view on Google Sidewiki)