Selasa, 16 November 2010

waterboarding technique

CIA use waterboarding to torture terrorist suspect.the extent of the torture is mind-boggling that's hard to grasp.this is done in retaliation of the 9/11 WTC attack.although this excruciating operation did succeed in capturing many terrorist linked with 9/11, but the procodure did arouse many controversy of the possible violation of human rights.well at least we're glad that George W.Bush isn't US president no more.that's at least would make his effort worth our while.


"Terror suspects should get a "a dunk in the water." But recently released internal documents reveal the controversial "enhanced interrogation" practice was far more brutal on detainees than Cheney's description sounds, and was administered with meticulous cruelty."
- Waterboarding for dummies - Torture - (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

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