if you watch fringe you should know an episode into which a villain solve a math formula by playing the music in a piano.turns out that piano did have mathematical combination necessary to solve math problem.every note that you pushed in a piano key sets represent a set of constant value that changes when you make it into a music as the combination of notes.whoever created piano in the first place really know how to master mathematical formula and applied that in music-playing piano instrument
perihal:"The Greeks had a lot of interest in mathemathics, and it seemed "right" for them to search for "perfect" combinations - perfect meaning that they should be expressed in terms of fractions of small integer numbers. They noticed that if you double or halve the string length, you get the same note (the concept of an octave); other fractions, such as 2/3, 3/4, also produced "harmonic" combinations."
- Mathematical difference between white and black notes in a piano? - Mathematics - Stack Exchange (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)
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