Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

wikileaks in depth

Massive news organizations hunt for information and spend billions chasing stories. WikiLeaks puts up a website and people just dump news on them by the truck load. Must suck to be the media now.as wikileaks is getting ahead of them and got more stories to tell.
and now the world is a tad more rational because of wikileaks publication pertaining US sensitive document materials being leaks.


"The true importance of Wikileaks -- and the key to understanding the motivations and behavior of its founder -- lies not in the contents of the latest document dump but in the technology that made it possible, which has already shown itself to be a potent weapon to undermine official lies and defend human rights."
- http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2010/12/the-shameful-attacks-on-julian-assange/67440/ (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

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