Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

backstory in wikileaks

in this article will help us articulate the true causes of Julian Assenge able to obtain highly secretive cables from the US. just like another major event that happened,it's all started after 9/11. you should realize though that the attack of WTC, in hindsight change the world significantly.it's brings us the economic downturn that many european n american are suffering now and also the leaks of hundreds thousand of classified documents and including 2 major wars in iraq and afghanistan.
but this also brings us the woes of handling too much document available within our scope nowadays.having too many documents will only make us lose more of them as keeping them would be cumbersome. anyhow I am planning to solve this document problem later in my thesis. so well wish me luck. :-)


"In the wake of 9/11 U.S. departments were told to stop being so secretive. Which is why we got to WikiLeaks--one guy apparently able to access millions of classified documents from pretty much every corner of the planet. If he could do then so could thousands of other people. And, one would have to assume, so could more than a few people who weren’t supposed to have access."
- Data, WikiLeaks and War - loose wire blog (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

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