Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

american economy

many american corporation are expanding overseas other than in america.this is because of the low purchasing power brought by deep recession happening in the US many of these companies build new plants overseas and hired many foreigners and thus contributing to the hike of american unemployment rate. well can't really blame them, it's much more enticing to expand overseas due to high purchasing power of India, china and indonesian market nowadays. These nation economy are growing and many corporation are salivating over it.


""There's a huge difference between what is good for American companies versus what is good for the American economy," says Scott."
- Where are the jobs? For many companies, overseas (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Senin, 27 Desember 2010

america in decline

life is getting harder in america now with many people getting unemployed.well I guess the obama's administration didn't bring any great progress whatsoever.but if the american wanted to attribute this recession that they're having now then they should just blamed it on George W.Bush's faults.he's the sole person that fucked up US economy back then.


"The piece continues with the sobering assessment that America’s actual unemployment rate isn’t really 10 percent, but close to 20 percent when we factor in the number of people who have stopped looking for work."
- AlterNet: America in Decline: Why Germans Think We're Insane (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

sudan referendum

this is bad though,even sudanese president didn't want to acknowledge the diversity in his country.he thinks islam is the only way of life and other religions shouldn't be accounted for.this brings nothing but suffering to many people in northen the southern sudan will likely to secede from the north.and we will have another north sudan and south sudan state just like north korean and south korea in this world.
the separation of state shouldn't be happening just because of religion,and they should know that islamic syariah only brings nothing but the rebellion of those that aren't in favor of it.
well then we should be glad that indonesia is a secular country.


""If south Sudan secedes, we will change the constitution and at that time there will be no time to speak of diversity of culture and ethnicity," Bashir told supporters at a rally in the eastern city of Gedaref."
- Omar al-Bashir: northern Sudan will adopt sharia law if country splits | World news | The Guardian (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

wikileaks in depth

Massive news organizations hunt for information and spend billions chasing stories. WikiLeaks puts up a website and people just dump news on them by the truck load. Must suck to be the media wikileaks is getting ahead of them and got more stories to tell.
and now the world is a tad more rational because of wikileaks publication pertaining US sensitive document materials being leaks.


"The true importance of Wikileaks -- and the key to understanding the motivations and behavior of its founder -- lies not in the contents of the latest document dump but in the technology that made it possible, which has already shown itself to be a potent weapon to undermine official lies and defend human rights."
- (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

solitary confinement

this is just one long reading material regarding human needs of social interaction and it's effect for lack thereof. erratic behaviour were found in those who don't get along well with people and were locked up in prison's solitary cells.this solitary cells did nothing but harm to the a person who deprived of social interaction then he would develop pyhschotic behaviour that had detrimental effect upon that person himself.there's need to be applied a more gentle approach when dealing with criminals other than solitary confinement.
but hell, if the person is a murderer then I guess locking him/her up in a solitary cell is for everyone's benefits

in reference to:

"We are social in a more elemental way: simply to exist as a normal human being requires interaction with other people."
- Is long-term solitary confinement torture? : The New Yorker (view on Google Sidewiki)

Jumat, 17 Desember 2010


there is a part in human brain that's called amygdala, its function is to instill fear in human so as to prevent them from any harm, but the dysfunctionality of this organ part in one's brain caused somewhat peculiar result.there is a woman who had her amygdala not functioning properly and thus made her fearless of any perilous events that came in contact with at least we know why some people are so fearful and some of them are's all located in their brain and amygdala played a bigger role in causing it.


"Instead, she held a snake, pet its scales and touched its tongue. She enjoyed intensely scary horror movies like they were thrilling but fun roller coaster rides. And she revealed through her stories and her diary a lifetime of behaviors that would strike most people as odd and qualify, by all standards, as dangerous."
- The No-Fear Woman (And What Her Brain Reveals) : Discovery News (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

sudan's conflict

the referendum that'll happen in sudan in january next year can be taken as use case where the enactment of islamic syariah fuelled many discontent among non-moslem people namely christian.hence make the south and north sudan fighting each other due to this differences.and now the compromise had been made and there'll be a referendum in which the south sudan can secede from the north sudan where most moslem reside.
I really don't like this though,a country should not separate just because the abomination of islamic law. and also because the government only care toward majority of moslem people that caused the government to only care about muslim by enacting a law based on Quran.islamic law shouldn't be enacted in a country that has diversed religion. because it brings nothing but chaos and rebellion. I really hope other nations can learn of what happened in sudan now when thinking of applying islamic law in one's nation.


"The referendum, scheduled for Jan. 9, is the centerpiece of a 2005 peace agreement that ended a 21-year civil war between the Muslim north and the oil-producing south, where Christianity and traditional beliefs dominate. About 2 million people died in the conflict and 4 million fled their homes."
- Southern Sudan Likely to Vote to Secede from North, Presidential Aide Says - Bloomberg (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Lee Kuan yew's view

a great insight into Lee Kuan Yew history and relationship with other ASEAN countries.singapore had played a great part in the modernisation of south east asian countries.well as a matter of fact singapore is the gateway of all the goods that entered the southeast nation from the west by using freight.his tough ruling for singapore and authocracy by silencing any dissent propelled singapore into one developed nation in this can imagine the irony of having democracy in relation to economic prosperity was quelled by the notion of using authoritarian system to achieve faster economic development.


"Granted, in just one generation, Lee built the resource-starved island into a prosperous nation with a capacious mind, strong character, iron will and absolute prudence, and does deserve credit for it. But his ruthless pragmatism and unquestioned belief in Machiavellianism will forever taint his otherwise remarkable achievements."
- Megalomaniac Lee Kuan Yew’s illusions « Dr Ko Ko Gyi’s Blog (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

delicious will be closed

another bad news from yahoo,apart from the massive layoffs, yahoo also planning to shutdown another great web service that I use often. that is delicious, after shutting down geocities a few months back now delicious will share the same fate as geocities. approximately they were 2000 bookmarks I had stored in delicious because this is a free social bookmarking web service. no other great alternative exist except in you could say delicious is one of a kind.
so in conclusion yahoo is going nowhere but down now.and takes all of its glory with it.


"Yahoo announced internally today that it is closing down Delicious. No date has been given for its closure."
- R.I.P. Delicious: You Were So Beautiful to Me (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

a letter for yahoo CEO

with the recent layoff happening in yahoo thus compelled some person to make an analysis of what truly happening in yahoo now.also the CEO Carol Bartz choose to not focus solely on flickr,something that I think she should.I mean flickr is a great service for sharing photos.there are many photographer swarming there.but the lack of introduction of new features in flickr also can be attributed to this layoff.I really hope that flickr can be free though.and the limit of only showing 200 photos for free account can be remove.paying $25 for a year is just too much.
ah well,there are many other great alternative for photo sharing site.but flickr had been deeply entrenched in photography's world


"But you know what? You haven’t taken the time to really explore the social side of Flickr. Hell, you don’t even have an account yourself on Flickr. One of the most highly visible and trafficked Yahoo properties and you don’t even have an account there. Would it be so hard to have your assistant set up an account for you and post some photos of some mountains from a family vacation two years ago?"
- Thomas Hawk Digital Connection » Blog Archive » An Open Letter to Carol Bartz, CEO Yahoo Inc. (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Senin, 13 Desember 2010

steve jobs' email

now what interesting in this released, wikileaks documented the email exchange between steve jobs and kim jong il, i.e the north korean leader. in which steve jobs harsly rebuke kim jong il's request to get a pre-release apple product for his son.
I mean a dictator rebuking another dictator is just something that fascinated me.this can also be used as a use case that steve jobs had become so influential among world leaders and many of whom deeply admired him.
ah well I need to have an apple product then such as macbook to feels steve jobs' charisma in it. :-)

in reference to:

"He did get a bit wordier in an exchange with North Korean bad boy Kim Jong Il. Kim, aching to get a pre-release iPod touch for his son back in August, wrote to Steve requesting “a favor from one dictator to another.” In this case, Steve doubled the syllable count with a quick “Hell no.”"
- WikiLeaks releases 140,000 emails from Steve Jobs | Scoopertino (view on Google Sidewiki)

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

history of wikileaks

this can be seen as a background explanation of what truly happening during the creation of wikileaks.very insightful.

now I know why israel never been mentioned in any wikileaks documents.well money can solve everything though.


"One independent news source,, reports that Assange accepted payment from Israel to delete any U.S. diplomatic cables that portray Israel poorly (as if anything could mar its reputation any worse than it already is). The source of this information, however, is Daniel Domscheit-Berg, a former disgruntled employee of WikiLeaks."
- WikiRebels: Swedish docufilm on WikiLeaks chronicles a new form of global resistance (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

stuxnet detrimental effect

iran nuclear facility is in chaos now due to the infection of the worm stuxnet.whoever created this worm must be a hell of expert to which I must admire because I am a programmer myself.this event can be taken as a use case of how a programmer can wreak havoc to a country that has sour ties with the US.although judging by the complexity of the virus,I suspect the american must be behind it.after all they the only one who have the utmost technological capabilites in creating something so detrimental such as stuxnet


"“Here is their problem. They should throw out every personal computer involved with the nuclear program and start over, but they can’t do that. Moreover, they are completely dependent on outside companies for the construction and maintenance of their nuclear facilities. They should throw out their computers as well. But they can’t,“ he explained. “They will just continually re-infect themselves.”"
- - Stuxnet Worm Still Out of Control at Iran's Nuclear Sites, Experts Say (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

noble peace prize

Liu Xiaobao had completed his dream of being awarded the noble peace prize.something that's everyone in this world is fascinate about.but also made him deserve to having such an award because he's in prison right now prosecuted by the chinese government for subversion.

this in turn brings to light the recent arrest of Julian Assenge that's now being arrested in the UK. as I completely supportive of him being awarded the noble peace prize for next year. what's funny about this is that Julian Assenge will be tortured by the US not because of forcing him telling the truth but more to the fact that to force him to hide the truth that he had known to the general public . this is the irony that's happening right now.


""The Nobel committee has to admit they are in the minority," foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said today. "The Chinese people and the overwhelming majority of people in the world are against this. This is not an issue of human rights; it is an issue of interference of internal affairs.""
- China blocks news websites ahead of Liu Xiaobo Nobel award | Media | (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

backstory in wikileaks

in this article will help us articulate the true causes of Julian Assenge able to obtain highly secretive cables from the US. just like another major event that happened,it's all started after 9/11. you should realize though that the attack of WTC, in hindsight change the world's brings us the economic downturn that many european n american are suffering now and also the leaks of hundreds thousand of classified documents and including 2 major wars in iraq and afghanistan.
but this also brings us the woes of handling too much document available within our scope nowadays.having too many documents will only make us lose more of them as keeping them would be cumbersome. anyhow I am planning to solve this document problem later in my thesis. so well wish me luck. :-)


"In the wake of 9/11 U.S. departments were told to stop being so secretive. Which is why we got to WikiLeaks--one guy apparently able to access millions of classified documents from pretty much every corner of the planet. If he could do then so could thousands of other people. And, one would have to assume, so could more than a few people who weren’t supposed to have access."
- Data, WikiLeaks and War - loose wire blog (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

email subscription in blogspot

for those that uses blogspot heavily, you might come across a trouble of how to activate subscribe by email so that all your reader can read your blog update via the email.

this is necessary to alert them of new posting and better engage with them. Usually blogspot user utilized bloglovin to provide an option for their reader to read new update of their blog, but I think bloglovin is troublesome as need to be activated manually through its website and also if you happen to open the link from bloglovin then it will be viewed using bloglovin web frame that's cumbersome to me. so anyway, to activate this email subscription in blogspot you need to do the following steps.

1. login to feedburner and put your website link like the picture below

2. after your RSS link feed had been confirmed then click the "publicize" tab then click "email subscription" and then click activate. in that webpage you'll be given a source code of widget that you'll need to put in your website so that other people can enter their email address and subscribe to your blog

3. it's done

so now blogging just made easier in blogspot. :-)

PS: you can also try the premium feedburner that has many feature in here

married men are less anti social

yup you got it right.if you're married that's mean you are more social than ever before, has many friends that care about you, and also make you less likely to get in trouble with a law.see this is the benefits of getting married, it's not only for physical things but also for your psychological nature.inherently man who are married find themselves to have many responsibilities to take care of, hence can make him feel happy and live longer than his peers who ain't married.


"A good marriage civilizes men. At least, that's what it looks like, since fewer married men are antisocial. Married men are more responsible, less aggressive, less likely to do something illegal and more mentally healthy than single ones."
- Why Married Men Are Less Antisocial - TIME Healthland - StumbleUpon (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

the lesser of two evils

a good example of having two choices,but both of them are bad.and must be chosen anyway.this is happening now in the US between democrats and republican.democrats wanted to give tax cut only to middle class but republican wanted the tax cut be given to wealthy one also.if none of them has an agreement then the bush tax cut will expire and none of american will get tax cut and risk inhibiting the economy progress due to tax increase in this depressed time.
well I guess president obama is having a hard time now choosing which best for america's interest, ain't it?


"the potential cost of giving in to Republican demands is high. What about the costs of letting the tax cuts expire? To be sure, letting taxes rise in a depressed economy would do damage"
- Let’s Not Make a Deal - (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

china and google

in the new document released by wikileaks,mark the revelation of chinese officials getting miffed by google search engine presents in mainland china.the chinese official trying to contain the information being displayed in google but to no avail as google rejected the demand.this in turn created a lot of red tapes for google to run their search business in china and hence decided that they need to pull out of china entirely.
this is hardly suprising as china always try to silence dissident in its own country,stymied them with free access of information and whatnot.all in the name of maintaining public next time you went into china just remember that this is the country that expelled google due to negative link for article covering chinese official being shown in google's search engine.


"All of a sudden, (redacted) continued, Baidu (a state-owned internet search engine) looked like a boring state-owned enterprise while Google 'seems very attractive, like the forbidden fruit.'""
- WikiLeaks: Chinese attacks on Google came from the top - (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

the impacts of wikileaks

now every foreign diplomats talking to US diplomats will try to mince their words so as not to make it sensitive or else their opinions could get in wikileaks also.this is a serious repercussions being done by wikileaks to the US government.and one that could take years to healed
just like they said "trust is like a virgin, once you break it then there is no going back"


"The Middle East is a place where yes means maybe, maybe means no, no is never heard (except in Israel), and a plea for a foreign solution to regional problems is a cop-out, not a serious request for action. It is where hypocrisy first gained a bad name. WikiLeaks has hurt America without changing that."
- Why Iran Loves WikiLeaks - (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

twitter and wikileaks

the last defense of wikileaks is wikileaks had been using twitter to spread the message and also informing others of its new domain name and whatnot that necessary to keep people better informed of what happen in wikileaks. as paypal, amazon, everyDNS and others had started to block all its left is twitter.if twitter decided to block wikileaks then I guess it'd be the end for wikileaks.
may god bless Julian Assange for his efforts to keep the world better informed of what truly happening in US politics


"In fact, as it becomes harder to find Wikileaks domains that are still accessible, Twitter has become the most reliable platform for it to get its message out to the world."
- Twitter fails to jump to Dept of State’s defence | Tech Blog: Insights on the tech industry | (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

wikileaks has no DNS

wow...this is the website that sustained most mishap than I ever knew got never ending DDOS attack for this past week.being kicked out of amazon cloud service and now being exempted in list of domain.what else is there for wikileaks to sustained? I strongly support wikileaks though.they had open my eyes to what really happen in this world.

and just like they said, "what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger"

update : this is the new link


"Connecting to WikiLeaks is presently not possible until it gets a new DNS service. WikiLeaks itself said on Twitter that the ending of DNS services was allegedly due to "claimed mass attacks" and called for further donations to "keep us strong"."
- WikiLeaks vanishes from web as US company removes DNS support | Media | (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

the real truth in afghan

the diplomatic cables leak issued by wikileaks showed what's really happening in afghanistan.the hard truth where the US troops are beginning to question the leadership of president taliban can easily take control of an area due to rampant corruption happening in afghanistan's politician.the war in afghan feels like a conundrum that's always haunted the US with no near end in sight.
thanks to wikileaks for telling us about this truth.


"Leaked U.S. diplomatic cables covering recent years of Afghanistan policy portray an unremittingly bleak landscape in which U.S. officials have alternately cajoled and pressured an erratic Afghan president"
- Leaked Afghan cables show U.S. frustration with leader (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)