Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

how to tend chicken

these are useful tips if you want to grow your chicken and be able to produce more eggs. very useful though.

in reference to:

"Also, make sure that they always have grains, witch is their basic food, because only feeding them vegetables wouldn't be good for them. And if you want them to lay lots of eggs, make sure they have plenty of space to dig for worms, worms provide them with proteine, its helps them make eggs."
- WikiAnswers - Can chickens eat fruit and vegetables from the garden (view on Google Sidewiki)

justin bieber look alike

well, too bad the woman had to endured it.I wonder if she's a great fan of justin bieber.

in reference to:

"The woman, known only as Katie, told TMZ she was mistaken for Bieber all the time - and was forced to produce her ID card to police to prove she was not him."
- Police raid bar after US woman mistaken for Justin Bieber (view on Google Sidewiki)

american just don't like soccer

here are 7 reasons why american did not like soccer.and it's a good reason too.now we know why america never win a worldcup

in reference to:

"We are pretty black and white in America. If you look at the majority of the popular US sports, you realize that we don’t have ties or draws. We enjoy a definitive conclusion; you either win or you lose. The rules almost never allow for a tie. We have overtime, extra innings, penalty shots, etc. Most people don’t enjoy watching something for almost two hours and not have a clear winner. American just don’t enjoy the emptiness that entails"
- 7 Reasons Why Americans May Never Commit To Liking Soccer (view on Google Sidewiki)

nazi history

seriously, had hitler won the war it would seriously alter the map of country of this world.

in reference to:

"About seventy years ago this summer, German war chiefs were busy devising  Unternehmen GrĂ¼n or Operation Green: Nazi Germany’s planned invasion of Ireland. The plan has recently come to light"
- Nazi Plans To Invade Ireland Revealed (view on Google Sidewiki)

BP whale

a whale just died due to BP oil spill.this is just a disaster

in reference to:

"Scientists found this sperm whale 77 miles south from the Deepwater spill site off the Gulf Coast."
- Thanks To BP, This Is A Whale [pic] (view on Google Sidewiki)

larry king

larry king just announces his resignation from CNN.too bad I think, it's just that he's one of the great interviewer in this world.gonna miss watching him on CNN then. :-)

in reference to:

"ing's show was the staple of cable news. For 25 years, it served as the highlight of the primetime lineup for CNN – which, like Time.com, is owned by Time Warner - a must-stop for politicians and performers of every stripe. It was where news was often made, from the Ross Perot-Al Gore debate to Lady Gaga's medical revelations."
- dtuBwK from bit.ly - StumbleUpon (view on Google Sidewiki)

iphone petition by gizmodo

seriously, the hate relationship between apple and gizmodo had already been a public secret. so don't be suprised if more stuff like this will come out soon enough.

in reference to:

"That's why we all should ask Apple to partially solve the phone's design problem by giving away free bumpers for every single iPhone 4 user out there. Together, we can get Apple fix their problem, whatever the solution may be, instead of dodging the issue."
- Petition to Apple: Fix Your iPhone 4 Problems With Free Case (view on Google Sidewiki)

gay marriage

this is just madness.

in reference to:

"One of her advisers, Hrannar B. Arnarsson, said Monday Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir and writer Jonina Leosdottir were officially married Sunday, the day the law came into force."
- Iceland PM Weds Partner After Gay Marriage is Legalized (view on Google Sidewiki)

worldcup mishaps

seriously, goal line technology need to be adapted at worldcup or else another incident like lampard's goal will be happening anytime soon.

in reference to:

"The high-profile error sparked a clamour for referees to be given more assistance, with international players' union FifPro leading calls for goal-line technology to be introduced."
- A bit fucking late now! (view on Google Sidewiki)

Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

shut down the web

well just shut it down then.

in reference to:

"While the need to address issues of cybersecurity before, in the words of Senator Snowe, we experience a "cyber 9/11" is undeniable, there is serious cause for concern with the rather dense bill. For one, the language is often extremely broad and any company that "relies on... information infrastructure" in the U.S. would be subject to control by the NCCC"
- New Bill Grants Fed Power to Shut Down the Web (view on Google Sidewiki)


seriously,the only people who can understand this article is the one who majoring in physics engineering.it's discussed about the present of matter and anti-matter.

in reference to:

"Researchers at Fermilab's MINOS experiment have announced a surprise result that could point to a fundamental difference between neutrinos and their anti particles. The findings, if confirmed by further experimental runs, may help physicists to explore some of the elemental differences between matter and anti-matter."
- Neutrino surprise emerges from MINOS (view on Google Sidewiki)

big clock tower in mecca

I think I should do pilgrimage to see this huge tower that are being built in mecca.but I don't have money to do that though.better spent my money buying something like a car maybe. :-)

in reference to:

"The entire complex is rumoured to cost USD$3 billion and the hotel is said to feature 24-hour butler service, segregated gyms, beauty parlours, grooming salons, a spa and a chocolate room where chefs will prepare bespoke pralines and truffles."
- World's Tallest Clock Tower to be Unveiled (Graphic) (view on Google Sidewiki)

Senin, 28 Juni 2010

the truth about sexy models

a good opinion about how we perceive all the long legs woman models that wear short mini-skirt to get attention from all the men.

in reference to:

"I was walking past the wave pool in a water park and turned my head just as a woman was readjusting her bikini top. She pulled the top out and upward, and I caught a half-second glimpse of her pale, sun-warmed nipples before they disappeared again behind the lycra masking."
- Why do booth babes exist? (view on Google Sidewiki)

google me

I would love to try another google social networking website.they always try and fail and now they will try again.

in reference to:

"Well this is kinda wacky. Citing a "very credible source," Digg founder Kevin Rose tweeted that Google is readying "Google Me," a social service intended to go toe-to-toe (face-to-face?) with Facebook. It's like Google stalking, but official, and thus marginally less creepy!"
- Rumor: Google Rolling Out "Google Me," Their Facebook Killer, Very Soon (view on Google Sidewiki)

middle east

the US-israel relations are heating up now due to unfortunate event that keep happening in palestine.

in reference to:

"Sources said Mr Oren told the meeting: "There is no crisis in Israel-US relations because in a crisis there are ups and downs. [Instead] relations are in a state of tectonic rift in which continents are drifting apart.""
- US-Israeli relations suffer 'tectonic rift' (view on Google Sidewiki)

inmate dies

well life in prison sucks then

in reference to:

"The coroner said guards should have been aware that something was seriously wrong with the inmate. And outside experts agree that the symptoms of cancer and hepatitis would have been hard to miss: dramatic weight loss, a swollen abdomen, yellow eyes."
- Inmate dies in agony despite pleading for help (view on Google Sidewiki)

running red lights

this is some interesting story on the consequences for running the red lights.better to stop and wait for the green light though.

in reference to:

"On the way to the hospital, Aline says Jesse treated two red lights like stop signs. He would stop and then proceed if no traffic was coming. After Jesse ran the second stop light one block from Erlanger, the officer turned on the cruiser's blue lights and followed the couple into the emergency room parking lot."
- Officer blocked newlyweds from ER during bride's stroke (view on Google Sidewiki)

10 google facts

this is some interesting facts about google.really enlightening though. :-)

in reference to:

"“Google is not a conventional company. We do not intend to become one.” So began the “letter from the founders” penned by Sergey Brin and Larry Page in the company’s securities registration form in 2004. Despite ever-increasing commercial success since that date, Brin and Page have kept to their word."
- 10 Fun Facts You Didn't Know About Google (view on Google Sidewiki)

the benefits of coffee and tea

now we know the full benefits of drinking coffee and tea and always remember not to add smoking a cigarrette while doing it as it has a reverse side-effect.

in reference to:

"Those who drink between three and six cups are 45 per cent less likely to suffer coronary problems compared to people who had less than one cup daily, a study found."
- New Study: Tea and Coffee Reduce Heart Disease Risk (view on Google Sidewiki)

secret supper

really hoping I could become a billionare one day then. :-)

in reference to:

"It was a dinner meeting that fed the appetites of the world's conspiracy theorists just as much as those sitting down to eat. Held in May 2009 at a secret location in New York, the meal was a meeting between some of the globe's richest billionaires, organised by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett."
- Billionaires plan for the world following secret supper meet (view on Google Sidewiki)

american prediction

well it always nice to be optimistic about something though. :-)

in reference to:

"By mid century, 71 per cent believe cancer will be cured, 66 per cent say artificial limbs will work better than real ones and 81 per cent believe computers will be able to converse like humans."
- Jesus will return by 2050, say 40% of Americans (view on Google Sidewiki)


just find another dinosaur bones tomb.good for research though,

in reference to:

"There was, however, trouble in paradise, since every so often horrible tropical storms wiped out large numbers of dinosaurs, other animals, and plants. After the deaths, there is new evidence that mammals would come to check out the carnage and gnaw on the bones."
- World's Largest Dinosaur Graveyard Found (view on Google Sidewiki)

the coins

we should appreciate coins money and not just tossed it around anymore.because the price of making that coins is much more expensive than the coin itself. :-)

in reference to:

"Pennies, as you may know, are made of 97.5% zinc and 2.5% copper. Therefore, the costs of producing pennies is tightly linked to fluctuations in the prices of these two commodities. This has been a negligible concern for most of the penny’s life, as copper and zinc prices have typically been quite manageable."
- The Financial Burden of the Penny (view on Google Sidewiki)

north korea

kim jong il is just another dictator that needs to be taken down.

in reference to:

"Cash-strapped North Korea has demanded the United States pay almost $US65 trillion ($75 trillion) in compensation for six decades of hostility"
- N Korea Seeks $75 Trillion In Compensation From The USA (view on Google Sidewiki)


well at least one's can die peacefully then.

in reference to:

"A top German court has ruled that it is not a criminal offence to cut off the life support of a dying person if that person has given their consent."
- German court legalises euthanasia with patient consent (view on Google Sidewiki)

Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

steve jobs story

well he is the greatest innovator of the world though.

in reference to:

"Because after Steve Jobs was fired it made him a man who would never rest on his laurels, or worse yet seek an early retirement like Bill Gates. Being sacked gave Jobs something to prove, and looking at the last decade at Apple boy did he ever prove it. And I don’t think that Jobs would have shined as bright as he did if it weren’t for the fact that he was in exile for over a decade from the company he co-founded."
- Thank You, John Sculley! (view on Google Sidewiki)

no-fly list

well another america's paranoid story.this is the reason why it is getting harder and harder travelling to america.no wonder there are no more tourism there.

in reference to:

"The father of a 6-year-old Ohio girl who turned up on the U.S. government's terror watch list says the worst thing his daughter has ever done is probably been mean to her sister."
- 6-Year-OId Girl Turns Up on Terror Watch List (view on Google Sidewiki)

Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

how to deal with break-up

this man did something to heal his broken heart.go out for a road trips.that's something that every heart-broken dudes need to do to make their life so much easier and in the end will ease the feeling of hatred of the break-up.

in reference to:

"Richard Jordan had everything he was told to want: cars, a new house, and a fiancee. Then his fiancee left him. So he sold everything, bought a Lamborghini Gallardo and set out across America. This is his amazing story."
- I Sold Everything To Buy A Lamborghini And Drive Across The Country (view on Google Sidewiki)

newspaper industry

these are 5 things that newspaper or other paywall news website needs to consider before charging every web users money to read their news online.

I kind of hate it to pay to read news in website, in giga OM pro website I had to pay 50 dollar/year to read the news there which I am politely decline.

in reference to:

"As mystifying as the move seems from the outside, it’s yet another sign that established old media entities are still really struggling to understand the web. Time and time again, it feels as if old media companies, rather than embracing the massive potential of the web, seem to shoot themselves in the foot."
- Five Things Old Media Still Don’t Get About The Web | Techi.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

einstein's brain

one of the great genius had his brain cut off from the head so that other people can learn about how his brain works. well at least the working of einsteins's brain is still a mystery till now.

the brain of great minds who created atomic bomb, relativity theory and the concept of space and time.

in reference to:

"Significantly, the parietal lobe is responsible for skills such as mathematical ability, spatial reasoning and three-dimensional visualization. This seemed to fit in perfectly with how Einstein described his own thought process"
- HowStuffWorks "Sandra Witelson" (view on Google Sidewiki)


this is sad, a small boy was hanged by taliban because his grandfather fighting against the taliban.The taliban is just like a monster that need to be wipe out.

in reference to: FOXNews.com - Afghan Taliban Hang 7-Year-Old Boy to Punish Family (view on Google Sidewiki)

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

<a href="http://last.fm">last.fm</a>

if you use itunes or windows media player then last.fm is for you.it's sync your mp3 list on the cloud and connects you with people that hear the same song.so far pretty useful for me though.come and use it then. :-)

in reference to: Home – Last.fm (view on Google Sidewiki)

drunk driver

nothing is more stupid then driving a car while you're drunk.

in reference to:

"A drunk driver was sentenced to 18 months in jail Tuesday for a crash in Gaithersburg that injured a retired judge who, 11 years earlier in a different drunken-driving case, had spared the man jail time."
- Judge Lets Drunk Driver Off, Gets Hit by Him 11 Years Later (view on Google Sidewiki)

ipad breach

I just realized that every ipad has it's own serial number just like blackberry does with its PIN attached on every device.but I don't really care about it, I don't have an ipad anyway. :-P

in reference to: Apples Worst Security Breach: 114,000 iPad Owners Exposed (view on Google Sidewiki)

Oil spilled birds

I think I am kind of agree with it.we just can't watch the bird die slowly and experience a painful death due to their body ingest oil, and hence their organ is deteriorating.we need to put the bird out of their misery.and that's the only solution.

in reference to:

"It's the actual recommendation of one oil spill expert and animal biologist who says that once birds are thoroughly oiled, the best course of action is to put them out of their misery. Even if all the crude is scrubbed from their feathers, she says, oiled birds are all but certain to die a long, painful death."
- Less Than 1% of Oil-Soaked Birds Survive : TreeHugger (view on Google Sidewiki)

BIOS will be replaced

motherboard manufacturers are considering to switch their motherboard OS that is BIOS into another much more friendly OS that's called UEFI. usually in BIOS we can only use the keyboard to move between different menu but in UEFI we can use mouse to point and click instead.this is a great step forwards though.

in reference to:

""The main difference between a traditional BIOS and UEFI is programming," said our source, pointing out that "UEFI is written in C, rather than the assembly code used in a traditional BIOS.""
- Exclusive: BIOS will be dead in three years | THINQ.co.uk (view on Google Sidewiki)


I can connect with friend when I use it.pretty useful.and who cares about privacy anyway? :-)

in reference to: Facebook (view on Google Sidewiki)

Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Thomas white house columnist

she served as the white house reporter since 1960.that's a very long-career.no wonder many people respected her there.and now she's 90 years old and already retired.

in reference to:

"Photographers spent Monday taking shots of Thomas's front-row seat, emblazoned with her name. The rest of the nameplates in the White House press room have the names of news organizations on them."
- Helen Thomas Announces Retirement (view on Google Sidewiki)

oil rig warning signs

it was BP's fault after all.had the company pay much attention to the old rig,then this disaster can be prevented in the first place.

in reference to:

""I think that's why Dewey was so reluctant to try to do it," Barron said, "because he didn't feel it was the right way to have things done.""
- Rig survivors: BP ordered shortcut on day of blast - CNN.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

afghanistan war

finally america realizes it.having 2 war in iraq and afghanistan already make the US went into bankruptcy.and now the war in aghanistan is a never-ending war and america just got fucked up in it.

in reference to:

"After 104 months of combat, Afghanistan has now passed Vietnam as America’s longest war. Now some key American officials from over the years are weighing in on lessons learned and successes in this military campaign."
- Afghanistan: Now the Longest U.S. War « Liveshots (view on Google Sidewiki)

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010


this man must be love to smoking dope till death.

in reference to:

"If Balzer had accepted probation, he could have avoided the jail term, but one condition would have been that he not use "drugs or alcohol" for one year."
- Man Chooses 30 Days In Jail Instead Of Quitting Marijuana (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

anger is useful

anger is a self-defense against some unfortunate events that happened around us.and that's why it could be good.

in reference to:

"Anger can be good for you because it's designed to protect us, our relationships and our way of seeing the world"
- HowStuffWorks "Can getting angry be good for you?" (view on Google Sidewiki)

Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

china blocks foursquare

what is it with china?every major website is always blocked.I just can't imagine live without decent accessible website there.stupid communism.

in reference to:

"Foursquare. Dead to China beginning in the afternoon hours of June 4, 2010. (Confirmed here in Beijing.) You’ll have to reroute to get in…"
- China Blocks Foursquare; Too Many People Checking Into Tian’anmen : techblog86 (view on Google Sidewiki)

sejarah dunia

bacaan bagus gimana dunia terbentuk n tercipta nya manusia di bumi ini.hal ini bagus karna tidak ada hubungannya dgn agama n penjelasannya menggunakan scientific.

in reference to:

"Alam semesta tercipta sekitar 13.7 milyar tahun lalu, melalui sebuah ledakan besar (big bang) dari satu titik singular. Ini adalah t = 0 kita. Dari satu titik ini, alam semesta berkembang membesar dalam dimensi ruang dan waktu."
- Sejarah Singkat Dunia « Armein Z. R. Langi in the City of Eden (view on Google Sidewiki)

Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

top 10 android features

it's still better to use iphone though.android phone just can't hold long enough for more than a day as you will always need to carry your charger. android is a battery drainer.

in reference to:

"Android has grown - not only meeting all of the functionalities of the iPhone, but besting it in nearly all aspects from an extensive list of devices to a growing Android Marketplace. Here is our list of the top 10 things Android does better than the iPhone."
- 10 Things Android Does Better Than iPhone OS | Maximum PC (view on Google Sidewiki)


so we got the man behind the twitter account of BPGlobalPR.I kind of admit that he has a knack of making fun out of BP which surely is entertaining.the twitter account just got 100 thousands follower as of now. at least we now know PR is something that can be very influential in one company.

in reference to:

"My name is Leroy Stick and I am the man behind @BPGlobalPR.  First, let me begin by explaining my name."
- Meet Leroy Stick, The Man Behind @BPGlobalPR (view on Google Sidewiki)

nuke the oil

some plan to stop the flowing oil had been made and one of them is to use the nuclear bomb.the intense heat will make everything below to sea to hardened itself and eventually will seal off the well. I think we should consult first with people of nagasaki and hiroshima for permission to use the nuclear bomb

in reference to:

"“What’s worse than an oil spill?” asked a blogger on Full Comment, a blog of The National Post in Toronto. “A radioactive oil spill.”"
- Nuclear Option on Gulf Oil Spill? No Way, U.S. Says - NYTimes.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

emailing CEO

now we know that steve jobs is the best CEO out there that like to respond via email.no other CEO like to do this kind of stuff though.

in reference to:

"That prompted Brent to call Giorgio back and thank him for the feedback, but also politely warn him that further emails would be met with legal action"
- AT&T warns customer that emailing the CEO will result in a cease and desist letter -- Engadget (view on Google Sidewiki)

star wars game

for hardcore gamers only then. :-)

in reference to:

"While Clone Wars Adventures is free, players can purchase a monthly membership with unspecified advantages. They can also buy outfits, items, and accessories through microtransactions with Station Cash, SOE's virtual currency."
- Star Wars The Old Republic: Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (view on Google Sidewiki)

google green energy

considering the massive server farm that they had, no wonder they tried so hard to find new energy to power all of those server.

in reference to:

"Google is a big promoter of green energy, from dreaming up possibilities of their own (like using wave power for data centers) to investing in and customizing alternative energy projects (like super efficient and cheap solar panels)"
- Google Offsetting 45,000 Homes Using Carbon Credits Made from Waste : TreeHugger (view on Google Sidewiki)


I know mac laptop are expensive, that's why we need to find ways to install mac OS in our PC or laptop.and this method might suit your needs.

in reference to:

"Thanks to some great tools put together by some brilliant hackers, it is also much easier and does not involve nearly as much time and effort as was once required."
- How to Install Mac OS X on a PC (Without Using a Mac) (view on Google Sidewiki)

al gore and wife

40 years of marriage and they decided to separate.that's must be one hell of emotion.

in reference to:

"she teased her husband while he prepared for presidential debates by e-mailing him "lascivious" messages"
- The Republic - Former Vice President Al Gore to separate from wife Tipper after 40 years of marriage (view on Google Sidewiki)

revolving door

the revolving door smashed into each other.this is horrible. you should see it yourself.

in reference to:

"Revolving Glass Door Shatters right on Dudes Face … WTF???"
- Revolving Glass Door Shatters right on Dudes Face ... WTF??? | XAYNI (view on Google Sidewiki)

sword attack

so now we know that we should never mess with a girl that has a father that is ex-convict.or else this same thing will happen to you.

in reference to:

"Mr Richardson told him to "stay out of it" and Hillier replied: "I'll have you fixed in a minute." He then grabbed a 42cm cut-off samurai sword he kept in his room."
- Father jail for sword attack Scales of Justice - The Mercury - The Voice of Tasmania (view on Google Sidewiki)

stolen bike sign

well I guess the owner of the bike must be really pissed off. time to put that big padlock on your bicycle then. :-)

in reference to:

"I think this sign will serve as a message to the rest of you … don’t steal from Mike."
- Mike Must Have Really Loved That Bike – Steven Humour (view on Google Sidewiki)

well now what

I guess this situation is a dead-end

in reference to:

"3 june 2010"
- Well…Now What? - ReflectionOf.Me (view on Google Sidewiki)

sherina and mabelline new york

congrats for sherina that had become an international model for maybelline new york ads.this will make her renowned globally.

in reference to:

"Sherina Munaf’s combination of true Indonesian beauty and modern and independent personality is in line with the international cosmetic brand’s image."
- Sherina Munaf, The First Maybelline New York Icon from Indonesia! (view on Google Sidewiki)

the feathers

photo from twitter flickr account.I think twitter has a great sense of photography. :-)

in reference to: on Flickr - Photo Sharing! (view on Google Sidewiki)

microsoft and google

if google decided to use linux or mac then all of googe users should follow suit

in reference to:

""When it comes to security, even hackers admit we're doing a better job making our products more secure than anyone else," he said."
- Microsoft sticks up for Windows operating system (view on Google Sidewiki)

awesome blog

that's why we need to blog regularly. who knows in the end we might end up being a successful writer just like this one.

in reference to:

"“Now I’m writing a page-a-day calendar, meeting with TV producers, and basically trying to catch my completely spinning head,” Neil says of his success."
- An Awesome WordPress.com Success Story — Blog — WordPress.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

steve jobs on apple tv

well when the great inventor spoke about something bad we don't have much choice but to just admit it.

in reference to:

"sk Roku, ask Google in a few months. The only way this is going to change is if you start from scratch, tear up the box, redesign and get it to the consumer in a way that they want to buy it. But right now, there's no way to do that.""
- Steve Jobs slams Google TV | News | TechRadar UK (view on Google Sidewiki)

app rejection

this developer learn the hard way when his app got rejected by app store. now he must feel the love that he got from steve jobs. haha...

in reference to:

"We are not allowing apps that create their own desktops. Sorry."
- Steve Jobs beheads iPad apps for acting like desktops • The Register (view on Google Sidewiki)

app rejection

this developer learn the hard way when his app got rejected by app store. now he must feel the love that he got from steve jobs. haha...

in reference to:

"We are not allowing apps that create their own desktops. Sorry."
- Steve Jobs beheads iPad apps for acting like desktops • The Register (view on Google Sidewiki)

app rejection

this developer learn the hard way when his app got rejected by app store. now he must feel the love that he got from steve jobs. haha...

in reference to:

"We are not allowing apps that create their own desktops. Sorry."
- Steve Jobs beheads iPad apps for acting like desktops • The Register (view on Google Sidewiki)

steve jobs

at least now gizmodo is a famous tech blog. :-)

in reference to:

"Gizmodo's explanation that it wasn't sure what it was buying when it bought the stolen iPhone prototype"
- Steve Jobs: Gizmodo Extorted Us (view on Google Sidewiki)

putting image in blog

it is really necessary when you blog to put image there so that the viewer will feel the athmosphere of whatever you are writing in your blog.this is one of the technique of being a proffesional blogger. :-)

in reference to:

"In fact, if you looked at the most popular blogs in topics such as marketing, technology, or business – some of the hottest niches in the blogosphere – you‘d see an overwhelming majority using images in their posts."
- Why Images Are Vital To Modern Blogs : Shutterstock (view on Google Sidewiki)

putting image in blog

it is really necessary when you blog to put image there so that the viewer will feel the athmosphere of whatever you are writing in your blog.this is one of the technique of being a proffesional blogger. :-)

in reference to:

"In fact, if you looked at the most popular blogs in topics such as marketing, technology, or business – some of the hottest niches in the blogosphere – you‘d see an overwhelming majority using images in their posts."
- Why Images Are Vital To Modern Blogs : Shutterstock (view on Google Sidewiki)

social network

well something good always come when bad things happened such as facebook blockade in pakistan.now we have another social network,not sure how this will fare well in indonesia though.

in reference to:

"Pakistan’s first social networking site - http://www.millatfacebook.com/"
- Networking sites: Now made in Pakistan (view on Google Sidewiki)

computer jokes

there are many jokes here that can make you laugh out load (LOL)

in reference to:

"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history – with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila."
- 17 computer geek jokes and truisms | Royal Pingdom (view on Google Sidewiki)

BI governor

finally at last we will have our own BI governor.

in reference to:

"President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has signed a proposal naming Darmin Nasution as the new Bank Indonesia governor."
- SBY names Darmin BI governor candidate | The Jakarta Post (view on Google Sidewiki)


I won't be suprised if german decide to go back to it's own original currency.euro is on demise

in reference to:

"The euro had suffered Tuesday amid worries that European banks could still face more large loan losses added to concerns about the continent's economic outlook."
- Euro above $1.22 and ahead of four-year lows | The Jakarta Post (view on Google Sidewiki)


nah skrg kita tau apa kegunaan dari permainan game online dalam kehidupan nyata

in reference to:

"Ketika Anda telah mencapai level 30 maka Anda akan menemukan sebuah trik berpura-pura mati, dan itulah yang saya lakukan, ketika saya tak bernafas rusa tersebut akan kehilangan selera, dan saya melakukannya dengan baik"
- Selamatkan Nyawa Kakak, Gamers Gunakan Trik Game Online - techno.okezone.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

susno duadji

the hunter who become the hunted.

in reference to:

"“In the US, the witness and victim protection program is made by an agency under the police. In Susno’s case, the police seem to be the threat. That seems to be the reason why they are resistant to the LPSK’s request,” he told Post."
- Pressure mounts on police to release Susno | The Jakarta Post (view on Google Sidewiki)

Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

great singapore sale

well at least indonesian team won the third place.that's what matters most. :-)

in reference to:

"The winning team saved $24,000+, the 1st runner up saved $11,000+ and we were announced as the 2nd runner up winner with a saving of $10,000+."
- Great Singapore Sale Shopping Challenge, The Disappointing Part | Indonesian Fashion Spot! (view on Google Sidewiki)


what the hell is going on in foxconn now? every workers racing to die? life must be like hell in that factory. 30% increase wage is not enough, foxconn needs to make it's factory like google office and pampered all of its worker like google does.

in reference to:

"Family of Yan Li, a Foxconn engineer, claims that their son died of exhaustion after working non-stop for 34-hours, then returning for another 12-hours after a 10-hour break."
- Foxconn increases wages by 30 percent as deaths continue to mount -- Engadget (view on Google Sidewiki)


what the hell is going on in foxconn now? every workers racing to die? life must be like hell in that factory. 30% increase wage is not enough, foxconn needs to make it's factory like google office and pampered all of its worker like google does.

in reference to:

"Family of Yan Li, a Foxconn engineer, claims that their son died of exhaustion after working non-stop for 34-hours, then returning for another 12-hours after a 10-hour break."
- Foxconn increases wages by 30 percent as deaths continue to mount -- Engadget (view on Google Sidewiki)

Al Gore

seharusnya Al gore bisa menjadi presiden amerika daripada george W bush.the world would be a better place if Al Gore was a president.

in reference to:

"Selama 40 tahun berumah tangga, Gore (62) dan Tipper (61) telah dikaruniai empat anak bernama Karenna, Kristin, Sarah dan Albert II"
- detikNews : Al Gore dan Istrinya Bercerai Setelah 40 Tahun Menikah! (view on Google Sidewiki)

kue lumpur

seharusnya aburizal bakrie bisa merasakan kue lumpur itu.tapi yg aq dengar dia mesannya tahu deh bukan kue lumpur.emang punya selera humor yg tinggi tuh panitia disana. :-)

in reference to:

"suguhan untuk tamu #obsat tadi malam, kue lumpur, di mata kamera @pamantyo"
- suguhan untuk tamu #obsat tadi malam, kue lumpur, di mata kamera @pamantyo | ... / ndorokakung / Brizzly (view on Google Sidewiki)

diduga selingkuh

jadi karna selingkuh dan melakukan hubungan sex ama wanita lain lalu dikasih bogem mentah?hanya karna menjelek2kan nama kampung?

mungkin warga kampungnya harus belajar utk tidak mencampuri urusan orang lain.

in reference to:

"Kepala sekolah sebuah SMP di Kecamatan Arosbaya, Kabupaten Bangkalan, Madura, Jawa Timur, dihakimi warga. Pria yang bernama Dahrin itu diduga berselingkuh dan akan berbuat mesum di rumah wanita idaman lainny"
- Diduga Selingkuh, Seorang Kepsek Dihakimi Warga (view on Google Sidewiki)

my sassy girl

what I like in this movie is the performance of Elisha CuthBert.she played as jack bauer's daughter in 24.so I pretty much a fan of her.but anyway this film is just as boring as indonesian movie. :-)

in reference to: Princess Diaries: My Sassy Girl (view on Google Sidewiki)

Thai PM

survives no-confidence vote?that's why it's better to have a presidential system than a parlementary sistem that's in place in thailand.no-confidence vote can be dangerous as it can create instability and the removal of the prime minister.

thanks god indonesia uses presidential system.

in reference to:

"call new elections. The Red Shirts support former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a 2006 bloodless military coup."
- Thai PM survives no-confidence vote - CNN.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

theme paperpunch

this is the reason why I like to blog using wordpress.there are just too many themes that I can use there and also wordpress is search engine friendly so that your blog would be renowned easily through out the internet

in reference to: New Theme: Paperpunch — Blog — WordPress.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

BP oil spill

the worst oil disaster in US history.it's the same as Lapindo mudflow in sidoarjo in east java.only the difference is that the US government did not called it national disaster like indonesian government did.

in reference to: U.S. launches criminal probe of BP spill - Gulf oil spill- msnbc.com (view on Google Sidewiki)


the situations is never over in the middle east.the blockade of gaza just got more interesting now

in reference to: Israel: Foreigners held from Gaza flotilla will be released, deported - CNN.com (view on Google Sidewiki)