it's impossible to please others, you just can't please everyone on this need to be true to yourself and don't get affected by other's people criticism.this is that always driven me in making decision. so the moral is to always believed in yourself and make it as your own virtues and this article can't better explained it than I do. :-)
perihal:"So what have the Kings of Leon done about this criticism? The answer is nothing, they have continued to make the music they love for millions of fans who love it too. Whatever you do you will never please everybody. The important thing is that you have the courage of your convictions and you believe in what you do and say even if others don’t."
- Why Trying to Please Everybody Pleases Nobody (lihat di Google Wikipinggir)
Stop by my blog if you find the time - I have a feeling you might like it! :)) Comments&followers much appreciated <3
BalasHapusYes. This is such a great post. So true. xx
BalasHapussaya ucapkan trimaksih kepada MBAH SUKRO,yang sudah membantu ke susahan saya dengan memberi kan nomor goip ke pada saya.
BalasHapussaya sangat bersukur sekali karana nomor yang di berikan 4d itu tembus 100%.
berkat semua itu saya sudah lunasi hutang2 saya sebanyak 150 juta di BANK BRI.
dan saya sudah buka usaha berkat menang nomor togel yang di berikan sama MBAH SUKRO....
1. Di Lilit Hutang
2. Selalu kalah Dalam Bermain Togel
3. Barang berharga Anda udah Habis Buat Judi Togel
4. Anda Udah ke mana-mana tapi tidak menghasilkan Solusi yang tepat.
HUB MBAH SUKRO DI NO:0823-4347-1626.{ KLIK-DISINI } .angka goip yang di berikan MBAH SUKRO.tidak perlu diragukan lagi.saya jamin 100% tembus.soalx saya sudah pernah membuktikan 3x ber turut2 menang.
Di jamin anda pasti menang seperti saya>>>>>>
.(`’•.¸(` ‘•. ¸* ¸.•’´)¸.•’´)..
«´ Thanks sOb rOoMnyA ¨`»
..(¸. •’´(¸.•’´ * `’•.¸)`’•.¸ )..
SELAM KOMPAK SELALU….dan selamat buat yg JUPE hari ini.